Example sentences of "to it have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Except that that kiss and her response to it had taken her so much by surprise that , even in hindsight , she did not see how she could have forestalled it .
2 The nature of the Church and its tradition were central to the unfinished business from Vatican I ; Modernism and the Roman reaction to it had left serious questions about the inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible and about the development of doctrine ; the Liturgical Movement was already revealing both the need for major pastoral renewal and a vision of what its fruits could be , not merely inside the Catholic Church but also in its ecumenical relations .
3 The philosophy ( with the arguable exception of the Netherlands ) is not actually practised anywhere in the world , although the concerns that give rise to it have led to a continuing debate in some western industrialized democracies about ways in which the monopolistic nature of the capitalist press might be usefully modified .
4 The communist regime that finally fell from power last week was , in many respects , a repetition of Amanullah on a grander , and far bloodier , scale : the war provoked by the 1978 ‘ revolution ’ , and the reaction to it have left up to a million dead , a third of the 16-million population displaced .
5 In the ‘ front-line ’ states bordering on South Africa , the apartheid regime and the organized resistance to it have had serious repercussions .
6 It 's gone to it 's got to a stage where he made that statement which he very very much means , he will never ever give them another album of his to market worldwide .
7 I thought I 'll wait to , I sort of really , like the bathroom I want to it 's got the wallpaper starting to peel off .
8 Erm , they give a complex number of cues , erm , when they are about to finish their conversation , erm , I how did they manage to it 's shown , it shown through the gaze of the speaker erm , erm , the speaker coming to the end of long actions has been shown to gaze heavily at the listener .
9 The more the homeland has become aware of the cruelty and hardship of the winter struggle in the east , the more the longing for an end to it has increased .
10 ‘ What I want our music to achieve for someone listening to it has become more ambiguous .
11 However , there are fifteenth century references to it having possessed a tower or a corner bastion .
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