Example sentences of "to i that the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It did occur to me that the doctor did choose an odd moment to draw attention to the bell 's being there .
2 It seems to me that the successful professionals make their money not be selling their wares , but by selling their skills — by writing books , running courses , making videos , holding seminars and giving demonstrations — in short , by teaching others how to do it .
3 The Commissioner states in his report : ‘ Because it seemed to me that the Minister 's letter implied that the NHS had an absolute duty to provide care for the complainant 's father once it became clear that he could no longer meet the nursing home fees , I asked the DoH for clarification of the legal position and invited their general views . ’
4 It still seems to me that the acting critics of poesy are for the most part incapable of looking for more than one thing at a time , having got started about 1913 ( I mean a few of ‘ em got started about 1913 and a lot have started since ) to look for a certain plainness and directness of speech and simple order of words ; and having about 1918 got started looking for Mr Eliot 's rather more fragile system ( a system excellent for Mr Eliot but not very much use to any one else ) , they now limit their criticism to inquiring whether or no verse conforms to one or other of these manners , thereby often omitting to notice fundamentals , or qualities as important as verbal directness and even more important than ‘ snap ’ .
5 His pleasure comes from a different source : ‘ I am obviously very conscious of what my forebears achieved and therefore it matters to me that the business has survived , remained independent and has grown . ’
6 And he added : ‘ It is important to me that the boys know I offered to do it for nothing . ’
7 It occurs to me that the St-Germain-des Pres scene was the first bohemia to have become an immediate media success .
8 It seemed to me that the world of pop music , which I worshipped , was there to be altered and corrected . ’
9 ‘ She said to me that the partners in the firm couldna decide what to give the lass for her wedding and had asked her , as wife of the senior partner , to have a wee word .
10 Indeed , it sometimes seems to me that the whole of this big , cold city is full of cripples , lunatics and the walking wounded .
11 It seemed to me that the Quirkes gloried in the poetry of paganism , but were not true pagans , eager to propitiate feared gods with flame and sacrifice .
12 ‘ I had little hope of re-employment , and so it seemed to me that the only thing to do was to set up in business , ’ he explains .
13 Even if unemployment is only part of the problem , it seems to me that the man who can busy himself cutting peats , or growing crops , or handling stock , is less likely to be depressed , less likely to feel that his life has no meaning , than a man who has empty days to fill in the back streets of an industrial town
14 It has often seemed to me that the combination of boredom after intense campaigning and the only alternative offered — luxurious idleness — was indeed reminiscent of what the censorious historians of the late Roman Republic saw as the existence which sapped the fibre of Hannibal 's army when in winter quarters in Campania after Can nae .
15 As I considered the contents of the squadron report , it seemed to me that the probability was that the bodies were those of aircrew from supply aircraft , for there was some suggestion in the report that a Liberator and a Halifax had been lost over the Morvan when ferrying supplies ; but the point is that no proper statement was ever made in regimental records .
16 While their criticism of reductionism is just and their emphasis on ‘ downward ’ causation ( mind influencing matter ) timely , it seems to me that the problem of ‘ interactionism ’ largely disappears when the systemic position of information processing in the life of a subjectively aware organism is understood .
17 It seems to me that the problem is coming from the front off side spring settling 15mm more than the rear-Being someone who hates anything that 's not as it should be , it is driving me crackers .
18 It has been suggested to me that the vehicle will go faster if the Pulsair system is removed .
19 All the same , Reader 's Digest is a successful publishing house and it seems to me that the company would not be producing the book if it were not convinced that there is a big market for such works .
20 For it had occurred to me that the proposed trip in the car could be put to good professional use ; that is to say , I could drive to the West Country and call on Miss Kenton in passing , thus exploring at first hand the substance of her wish to return to employment here at Darlington Hall .
21 If one looks at these persons we agree are ‘ great ’ butlers , if one looks at , say , Mr Marshall or Mr Lane , it does seem to me that the factor which distinguishes them from those butlers who are merely extremely competent is most closely captured by this word ‘ dignity ’ .
22 It seems to me that the impossibility of desire , and its exclusive relation to fantasy , has to be qualified in the face of the possibility — always implied by interruption — of resumption , of a return to normal service .
23 At times , as I have researched this book , it has occurred to me that the second-hand book world is the only place left in England where knowledge of anything but the latest semi-literate fads still exists .
24 He explained to me that the interview had been cancelled on the order of his superiors — and he was himself the head librarian !
25 It was n't until much later that Sidney E. Berger , curator of manuscripts at the American Antiquarian Society in Worcester , Massachusetts , explained to me that the word had made its début in the Tarzan movies .
26 It seems to me that the graded-test system will simply carry out these functions more efficiently than the system of GCSE , followed by A levels or one of the range of non-school practical certificate tests .
27 The delay in his transfer over his sports shop confirmed Chapman 's estimation of him , for he admired players who sought to protect their own interests : ‘ This is an indication to me that the player who makes this demand has intelligence . ’
28 It seems to me that the only possible way of finding out what it is like is to live it .
29 Now it seems to me that the Churches have a great deal to gain from this method of selling their message .
30 I went home and reported this to Mum who explained to me that the fire meant that a lot of people would now be out of work until the Laundry was rebuilt .
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