Example sentences of "to i [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This was necessary to me as part of my approach to socialism , for before you can be sure whether you are genuinely in favour of socialism , you have got to decide whether things at present are tolerable or not tolerable , and you have got to take up a definite attitude on the terribly difficult question of class …
2 His secretary had come to regard lying to me as part of her job and even our friends lied for him , aiding and abetting my dick-led husband in a misguided effort to protect me .
3 He was assigned to me as armourer and tail gunner .
4 But what happened was , if a member of my branch had a complaint , he would come to me as secretary and complain .
5 Being ‘ in on it ’ , so to speak , had dissolved fear ; and death , for the first time , seemed as natural to me as birth .
6 And then we talked of more interesting things , things by now as familiar to me as legend , in a sort of litany , each speaking in turn .
7 Law , that is to say , is made valid by my experience of it , and not by the fact that it is presented to me as law .
8 Mysticism , in particular , is as meaningless to me as music must be to the tone deaf .
9 ‘ I went to class to meet friends , dancing was secondary and the social side was as much if not more important to me as competition . ’
10 For some time I was left standing at the counter but eventually one of four assistants came over , introduced himself to me as Mr Palmer and asked how he could help .
11 How much easier it would be if you could refer to me as Signor Sabatini , yes ? ’
12 But I must ask you to stop washing your hands in the Holy water , and please , please , do not refer to me as Mother Shapiro . ’
13 And I 'll tell thee for naught , Daniel — never look to me for succour .
14 A document has been drawn up , and has been sent here to me for consideration .
15 They had come to me for help in extricating themselves from satanism because the high priest had insisted on performing the ‘ Act of Unity ’ with their fourteen-year-old daughter .
16 Two or three years ago a friend of mine who is a publisher applied to me for help in dealing with a complaint from a man who had bought one of his cookery books .
17 You came to me for help , remember ?
18 Eventually it seemed it was only I who ever thought about that still , cold morning , recalling in my dreams that cry and that hand held out to me for help I could not , would not give , and the silence that followed Andy disappearing under the ice .
19 I 'd also write down everything important that happened over the years , so that students of history would come to me for help .
20 I betrayed your trust and I betray sick , helpless people who come to me for help , because I love you . ’ ‘
21 ‘ Even if you had serious money problems you would n't come to me for help , would you ? ’
22 ‘ He came to me for help and those men murdered him !
23 The one who I told you used to keep running to me for help . ’
24 When my Noble Friend was kind enough to say that he looked to me for help as being I think he said an ornament on the front bench , was n't quite certain whether that was supposed to be a compliment or not , but I thought an ornament or something that you that sat upon a er er er er er upon a shelf and looked pretty , but did n't actually do anything .
25 I have this kitchen full of people , all looking to me for instructions like it was me who organized this .
26 This threw her more passionately on to me for solace and support , but I was losing patience — I did n't know how to cope .
27 When a patient comes to me for regression , I do in fact record the session on cassette , giving the tape to the patient at the end of the consultation .
28 Otto must have talked to me for hours that day .
29 He came to me for stuff to forget all that .
30 And then I realized that the little cup she 'd brought with her out of the sea , and gave to me for Adam — that little cup could be none other than Undry . ’
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