Example sentences of "to be [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 So , er it 's going to be first time you ever experience it , actually on , for real as it were ?
2 Perhaps we ought to be spending time developing camouflage , rather than advertising our presence .
3 The only thing that did n't work was the understanding that we had to be big time very quickly .
4 About 15 years ago , three months was considered to be sufficient time for a sales director with two years ' service to convince his company of his competence .
5 A Bill may well be approved , if time is available , in which case whether it ever completes its course depends entirely on whether there happens to be sufficient time .
6 Mr Grimstone stressed that the perks would only be available to those who registered their interest in advance , with the cut-off date likely to be some time in mid-November .
7 But it was to be some time before he began putting his interest to any practical application .
8 Early in October , with the exact date of the premiere not vet set , but intended to be some time between 25 November and 10 December , John wrote again to Hanns : ‘ Million sorries for not writing sooner , but I was waiting for ( a ) Thursday , the official scrutinization of my ballet to see if it definitely would go on , and ( b ) Friday , the first night of Miss Howes 's show .
9 This is likely to be some time in October .
10 I think it would have to be some time this week .
11 ( As long as the heaving green adumbrates the land , as long as time has refused to be some time but always now , as long as the humungus titles have zipped up from the seam between sea and sky , as long … )
12 Science was being taught in public schools and in grammar schools , and there were courses in universities , which in Britain began at about this time to catch on — this was the era when the great municipal universities started to flourish , though it was to be some time before they received government grants .
13 The evasive answers told her progress had been minimal , it was going to be some time before Emelda faced a press launch .
14 said it was likely to be some time before we know Government 's position on our future .
15 Mr Dougherty , however , is hedging his bets : ‘ It is likely to be some time before this is reflected in higher prices . ’
16 It was likely to be some time before he was so lucky .
17 ‘ There never seemed to be any time , ’ she said defensively .
18 Wendy she used to be full time , I mean the shop .
19 Just because Hawks were going to go to Iran and I was wondering how many planes it was going to be this time .
20 ‘ So what 's the excuse going to be this time , darling ?
21 I am not alone , I feel , in believing it to be high time boxing is recognised for what it really is , a sordid and revolting spectacle of the baser human urges , demeaning alike to those who support or take part in it .
22 Well , flight had n't worked on the other two occasions , but , for the sake of her own sanity , this had to be third time lucky .
23 In general , two or three house hunting visits are allowed by most firms and around three to six days are usually considered to be adequate time to find housing .
24 Some people experience too many losses at the ‘ not to be expected time ’ to the extent that the pain becomes unbearable .
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