Example sentences of "to one [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Rotring set has a grey scale of five colours and two flesh tones as opposed to one with the Winsor & Newton product .
2 Where Basque and Catalan nationalists agree , at least in private , is in preferring a deal with the Socialists to one with the People 's Party , even though both are themselves fairly conservative .
3 Erm , I think you should involve them but I think it 'll be preferable if it was one to one with the form tutor i that time and the form tutor has taking an over-view
4 So be here tomorrow at five to one for the Kaye and Angus Lunchtime Show .
5 This frontal assault on goal , he explained to the Examiner , was held to be a ‘ more deadly , if less spectacular , method ’ than the ‘ senseless policy of running along the lines and centring just in front of the goalmouth , where the odds are nine to one on the defenders ’ .
6 Four years before the Americans had won three games to one on the first morning .
7 B.C. , who won the 27th final 35–3 , were thankful to be ahead by three penalties to one at the interval against a Newfoundland XV that showed a little respect for a line-up that included World Cup players in Dan Jackart , Ron Vanden Brink , Jeff Knauer , Roy Radu , Steve Gray and Tom Woods .
8 He pushed Gustafsson to five sets — and led two sets to one at the traditional break — before finally succumbing in another classic .
9 The City Corporation had specified a maximum plot ratio of five to one across the whole site ( that is , the equivalent of five storeys ) .
10 But his views were dismaying to one of the readers of his discourses , the poet and artist William Blake .
11 In the second book , a photograph is spoken of which ‘ shows the pulling down of a monument to one of the Shahs ( father or son ) in Teheran or some other Iranian city .
12 Families with children tend to be restricted , for their main holiday , to one of the three main school breaks .
13 Catering & Allied came up with a novel solution : copy the stock file on to one of the two 128k data packs which fit into the back of a Psion Organiser , update that file ‘ on the hoof ’ ; and copy the updated file back to the desktop computer .
14 I took the flowers over to one of the sinks and put them in it .
15 He went in to speak to one of the tellers .
16 Though applied to others of a given authority or holiness , it refers principally to one of the most influential personages in Ashkenazi ( eastern European ) Judaism , who followed the Palestinian traditions ( as opposed to the Babylonian ones represented in its version of the Talmud ) : Israel ben Eliezer ( Leonard 's spiritual forebear , after whom he was named ) — an 18th century Pole , the founder of the Hasidic movement ; one whose religious awareness was very close to that which inspired Leonard , his mother and his grandfather Klinitsky-Klein .
17 I could have gone to one of the libraries or museums , art galleries …
18 The high–capacity wagons would be worked to one of the refineries at Thames Haven .
19 So a driver could listen , for example , to one of the BBC national networks , while the set automatically switches temporarily to a local station making a traffic announcement .
20 This is true , and points to one of the central problems in institutionalized literary pedagogy .
21 And during the years when Pound was most under Yeats 's influence , Pound too embraced this ideal — as when in 1912 he went with Yeats and some others to pay an act of homage to one of the last English representatives of the type , the Sussex squire Wilfred Scawen Blunt :
22 The last thing we want is to lose our independence to one of the big five . ’
23 ‘ Clubs will get on the box , ’ he says , ‘ if they are doing well and at home to one of the big boys .
24 Instantly , I knew the article would be irresistible : a glorious return to one of the most famous , and fatuous , lines ever uttered by a presidential candidate debating with his opponent .
25 A couple of bands were hired several months ago to jolly up the celebrations , whose main participants appeared to be trade unionists who had been on free holidays to one of the last proletarian paradises .
26 Like I was saying to one of the men in the section who has n't been that co-operative , like , I 'm only here for a year and you all know more than I will ever know about policing .
27 As I was leaving the house Pat shouted after me , ‘ Piper , your friend Taff who shares the trench with you in the orchard has been transferred to one of the Commando units around the village .
28 Taff did not seem to mind going to one of the forward units .
29 I spoke to one of the medics , he informed me that the attack on the village just along the road was under way and already there were many casualties , particularly among 6 Commando , due to the heavy shelling from the Allied and German guns .
30 The Way runs next to one of the best preserved bronze age enclosures on Dartmoor at Grimspound .
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