Example sentences of "to be having [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It seems a grim , uncosy life there , but it appeared ( yesterday at least ) not to be having that effect upon her .
2 ‘ She looks as if she 's asleep and he does n't seem to be having much fun either . ’
3 Would n't have minded if the driver had gone in for some stronger magic — the old Christianity did n't seem to be having much effect on his driving .
4 He seemed to be having great difficulty in keeping his eyes on the road , but after a corner entailed leaving rather a lot of tyre on the road he apologised then grinned at her .
5 Most people around are totally unaware that the person is likely to be having such thoughts , who in turn feels they would be deeply shocked if they knew .
6 Back in the auction ring the recession in farming seemed to be having little effect and prices were similar to last year , with one bull making nearly £3,000 .
7 Let us hope that the Danes will vote ‘ No ’ in their referendum on June 2 , thus forcing all members to renegotiate the treaty , as many of them are now said to be having second thoughts of their own .
8 24 April : The Sun seems to be having second thoughts about Ken Livingstone : ‘ If the Labour Party had been led by John Smith over the last nine years , perhaps it would have been in power today , ’ says an editorial .
9 A number of factors are conspiring against the South Africans and they profess to be having real problems with the heat and humidity , exacerbated by the fact that Trinidad is experiencing its highest temperatures for a year with bushfires bright in the hills around the Port of Spain area .
10 Jessamy was beginning to find it rather odd to be having this day out with her husband .
11 She did n't want to be having this conversation .
12 I 'm very glad to be having this debate as the last Council meeting we er put a motion down on P R which the Labour Group refused to discuss , and Councillor in the summer ma put some release out said he was in favour of it .
13 In fact , she did n't want to be having any conversation with him .
14 ‘ You do n't seem to be having any problems , ’ she pointed out , a little grouchily .
15 It just did n't seem to be having any effect .
16 Could be you could have all sorts of things sweetheart We I bet you we 'll come out and it 'll be right opposite us instead of missing it do you know what I mean still it was further up the road than the junction but the bus did n't seem to be having any trouble .
17 He seemed to be having some kind of fit .
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