Example sentences of "to be [adv] good " in BNC.

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1 You 're going to be incredibly good at it — I can tell .
2 He is so anxious about being accepted that he is trying to be extra good and even perfect . ’
3 She saw to the side of one of the houses the faded sign for Morgan and family , boot and shoemakers , fastened over what appeared to be little better than a shed .
4 A classic and set to be equally good on the NES .
5 It 's on at the Lyceum and is supposed to be frightfully good .
6 For once , the product had turned out to be even better than the advert .
7 The present tax year is expected to be even better — experts predict a net inflow of £3 billion and a £5 billion contribution to government funds in 1992–93 .
8 Turkey was an amazing success for Club 18–30 in £89 — and it 's going to be even better in ‘ 00 .
9 Yet other varieties happen to find themselves in possession of new tricks : they turn out to be even better self-replicators than their predecessors and contemporaries .
10 But it turned out to be even better than the ads said .
11 Future issues promise to be even better .
12 Citalia is determined that Summer 1992 is going to be even better value than ever before .
13 This does n't mean that they could n't be completely redesigned to be even better .
14 ‘ And Gabby turned out to be particularly good , which saved him from having to do the usual terrible , crap jobs that the Hawaiians had to do , and he ended up playing for a living in just about every joint in Hawaii — and there were lots of them in those days , because live music was a big thing .
15 TAC SPELLS TRANSPARENCY IN ACTION An old-style committee has proved to be particularly good at meeting the requirements of openness and accountability
16 ‘ We expect to be particularly good business for Stockton .
17 Anyway , the boat fishing turned out to be surprisingly good .
18 ‘ I do n't expect things to be just good when you do them , however .
19 The next morning Chola seemed to be slightly better but Sigarup , if anything , was worse .
20 The liver is the one organ in the abdomen in which MRI has been shown to be slightly better than computed tomography in the detection of focal lesions .
21 But the ballet itself was shaping well ‘ and turns out to be altogether better technically than Soldier 's Tale ’ .
22 Are not the Government missing an opportunity to be both good Europeans and good environmentalists at the same time ?
23 But in a world where observing the social decencies passes unnoticed , how much incentive is there to be ordinarily good ?
24 In fact both treatments would work even if one were to be marginally better .
25 The fact is , as we shall see , that different media do tend to be rather better for different things — you can not get a lot of information into a 30-second TV commercial , for example .
26 A foreign accent is an unknown quantity ; you have to be rather good at languages to tell whether it 's common or not , and most of Nigel 's acquaintances did n't speak any other language well .
27 ‘ I do rather a lot of amateur acting , you know , and I 'm supposed to be rather good at accents . ’
28 Much to Oliver 's annoyance they turned out to be rather good at it .
29 But he was very much afraid she was going to be rather good in Luxembourg — it was a role not unlike that of Countess Maritza .
30 He used to be pretty good , as I remember . ’
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