Example sentences of "to me and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Angela , who had been sniffing throughout Sontag 's boastful litany , leaned across to me and whispered : ‘ Would n't you f*****g know ? ’
2 I was about to go back to the hotel when a pool attendant gestured to me and whispered that he urgently needed to change Iraqi dinars into dollars .
3 As Carmel finished the 3s , she came to me and whispered : ‘ I think I can see what the 5s are going to be before I do it ’ , and she explained her prediction .
4 One of the Officers turned to me and indicated that I should push off .
5 The skinny man walked over to me and stuck out his hand .
6 Sometimes the English Catholics write to me and ask me for help , and sometimes I write to them .
7 And er they used to come to me and ask things about what they should do and did I think they had a claim for this and that you know , and I used to tell them you see .
8 Several times it 's happened to me that someone has come up to me and asked if I 've ever done a play .
9 A few days later Lord Thorneycroft , the Party Chairman , and Alastair ( now Lord ) McAlpine came to me and asked if we could stage another for the European Elections — three weeks later .
10 An upper-class homosexual-looking man with white hair and glittering eyes came up to me and asked if I wanted to go to a Black Mass .
11 Some man came up to me and asked , ‘ You wan na smoke ? ’
12 He then turned to me and asked if I was signing a contract too .
13 With that she lifted the latch , but before opening the door she turned to me and asked if I would like to go shopping with her .
14 She turned to me and asked if I had spoken to my husband today , was he well , and the children .
15 When we were having a photograph taken after the show , she turned to me and asked , ‘ Have I got lipstick on my teeth ? ’
16 ‘ About forty minutes before the train was due to arrive this man came up to me and asked if I 'd be interested in making five hundred francs .
17 ‘ Then , at the end of the reception , Larry came over to me and asked what I had said to the bride 's father .
18 But she pushed rather at the pinkish translucent cubelets which surrounded the fish , then turned to me and asked ,
19 Finally , he turned to me and asked a question , repeating it twice , in the same jumble of words and sounds which I could n't understand .
20 As I got to the beach and began setting up my machine , several people came up to me and asked questions about my detector .
21 In another , he called to me and asked — no , demanded — I finish his practice with him .
22 As we chatted about Shah Jehan , Dr Jaffery brought out a plate of rich Iranian sweets from an arched recess ; he handed them to me and asked : ‘ Would you not like to learn classical Persian ? ’
23 ‘ When we stopped at traffic lights , Warren took hold of my hand and said that he was becoming more attached to me and asked me if I would like to go out for dinner the next day . ’
24 I wish I had a pound for every time friends have turned to me and asked : ‘ Yeah well , what has SUSA ever done for us ? ’
25 An explanation in fact followed , after which Scipio , " grasping Polybius ' right hand in both his own and pressing it warmly , said : " Would I could see the day on which you , regarding nothing else as of higher importance , would devote your attention to me and join your life with mine " " ( 31.24 ) .
26 It all started when a man called Frank Somers wrote to me and enclosed a photograph of himself and his wife Pauline and their little girl called Hayley .
27 In his speech , Charles praised my ‘ sterling contribution ’ to the school and shortly after it Paul came up to me and made the touching suggestion that I should give some classes in the summer term — if I was still free .
28 I now thank that friend who first put the direct question to me and made me make the decision .
29 When it was on television it really looked , it really looked good but er the reality of it was it was pretty bad really but er the editor was very kind to me and made me look quite a hero but .
30 That which had been so familiar to me and accepted almost without thinking now took on a new and almost bizzare aspect .
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