Example sentences of "to [being] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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31 It is well known that each vessel contributes to movement of the lymph by contracting once every 6–10 seconds in response to being gorged with fluid from the vessel upstream .
32 Sir Samuel , disguised in drag , comes close to being ravished by Sir Formal ; the curmudgeon turns out to have a taste for flagellation .
33 Under the influence of song and fire , the elephants get used to being touched by their trainers and to being tapped lightly with a stick .
34 This characteristic is different from sympathy which might be described as a warm rosy glow of a feeling of identification , that lends itself to being paralysed by sorrow , overwhelmed with shared worry , and joyful too .
35 Only comparatively recently have roses been grown again in their own right as flowering shrubs ( as opposed to being massed in beds for maximum display ) and therefore the Dictionary 's comments are pertinent today .
36 Little by little , however , the force of this long glen beneath the austere greyness of the Five Sisters touched Johnson , and he moved his position from that of first considering the political role of such remoteness , and the opportunities it gave for military strategies and subsequent escapes — Glenshiel had been the scene of a battle fifty-four years earlier in which local Highlanders unsuccessfully reinforced a Spanish invasion force — to being lulled by the sight of so many waters , brooks , burns , and silver rivulets , ‘ which commonly ran with a clear shallow stream over a hard pebbly bottom ’ .
37 The Draft Directive has adopted the same 50 mg/litre nitrate standard as the Drinking Water Directive and proposes the designation of ‘ zones ’ that are ‘ vulnerable ’ to being polluted with nitrate up to 50 mg/litre , either directly or indirectly .
38 In general , most Renaissance texts were open to being co-opted into a part in these royal games ( the term usefully suggests the way private activities such as sexual intrigues were more expressly combined with public political questions during the Renaissance ) .
39 Perhaps it was because she was unaccustomed to being kissed with such ardour .
40 British fascism was to come close to being rationalized as the political revolt of the romantic imagination in the twentieth century .
41 Impersonal consent sentences are quantified sentences of the kind described : ‘ You consented to your dismissal ’ means ‘ You consented to being dismissed by whoever has authority to do so . ’
42 And it is no good trying to combat that by making the microphone ( " ear " ) more sensitive , since this would only make it more vulnerable to being damaged by the , albeit now slightly quieter , outgoing sounds !
43 They also had to share ordinary police duties with Royal Military Police in order to give the latter civilian experience and to condition the public to being policed by them .
44 Activists , educators , campaigners , call them what you will , have a tough task in this country , with an individualized , nuclear-family society reluctant to come to meetings of any sort , and a resistance to being engaged by a message that in the short and medium term questions their lifestyle , material aspirations , and culturally-engrained assumptions that Our Way of Life is best .
45 In just over a decade , their ambitious goal to reach every village in the islands is close to being realised with more than 4,300 workshops covering a wide range of development issues .
46 After a bit she became used to being stared at , even taking it as a compliment .
47 But , having been blessed with long , slender legs and what Paul described as a model-girl 's figure , she was used to being stared at , so she walked past them with her normal slightly coltish grace , her composure intact .
48 It proves a domesticated animal , accustomed to being fed by hand , can not live without man . ’
49 Simon said goodness knew he did object to being blown to pieces : but , No .
50 And further he asserts , not only is the universe expanding , due to being flung in all directions by this genetic detonation , but that space itself is also expanding .
51 Climbers Some climbers are so strong-growing — almost rampant — as to be unsuited to being kept on a lead , restricted and cramped to the confines of arches and pergolas .
52 The testers might have got a clue from this that such a question was entirely artificial , constructed out of test situations and irrelevant to children who did not go to school and so were not used to being exposed to such tests .
53 The National Toxics Campaign Fund , a US-based charity says the unexplained illnesses of hundreds of Gulf war veterans may be due to being exposed to radiation from weapons tipped with depleted uranium .
54 But now Alex , who is single and lives in London , is lapping up Buddymania from signing sessions outside provincial theatres to being recognised in fish and chip shops despite the fact he leaves his plain glass black spectacles in the dressing room as well as the replica Holly suits .
55 The doctor was so used to being called in a second time to cope with the results of his first visit that eventually he dug in his heels and advised against another jab dealing with whooping-cough .
56 He also took ballet lessons to improve his posture and balance , and singing lessons to aid his breath control with a view to being called upon to star in a musical .
57 Now , clearly , in many circumstances where the property of an adjective matches a speaker 's perception , it may not need to be assigned — i.e. stated explicitly to be valid for the entity concerned — on the grounds that it is felt to be a characteristic sufficiently basic to the entity not to need assignment , as opposed to being called upon as an initial qualifying and identifying element .
58 Newmarket Magistrates told Youds he came close to being disqualified for a speeding offence which warranted a six unit fine .
59 Unused to being argued with , he shouted and cursed at her , and soon the two of them were arguing fiercely , he having trouble making articulate sentences due to his excessive amount of drink , which only made him yet angrier .
60 Only that he objected to being scrutinized in the shower .
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