Example sentences of "to [indef pn] about the " in BNC.

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1 Indeed overall , he says surprisingly little about Grace and next to nothing about the sacramental life ; for these reasons one might regret the title which he gave to the three books gathered into one — Mere Christianity — for it implies that he has written a sort of mini-Summa or encyclopaedia of theology .
2 The press officer , Barbara Bloomfield , complained at a meeting of the Greens ' council in January 1990 that if she wanted to step out of the office she had to get a volunteer to take her place , possibly an overseas student who knew next to nothing about the press or the party .
3 But western audiences know next to nothing about the martial arts .
4 Responding to criticism that the commission had said next to nothing about the role of university scientists , , president emeritus of the Rockefeller University in New York and co-chairman of the commission , said that any such comments would have been dismissed as special pleading .
5 After all , we thought ( quite irrationally and knowing next to nothing about the Germans ) , even if they met two young girls cycling in the countryside , they would never suspect us of taking food and clothing to the English .
6 The Union leaders are going to send some doctors to the factory to talk to everyone about the dangers of uranium . ’
7 I 'd been talking to someone about the effects of music , cos there 's a couple of court cases going on .
8 I 'd just love to speak to somebody about the chances of us keeping a clean sheet . ’
9 Because even if you you have sat down and spoken to somebody about the project for five minutes , and given them all the other information ,
10 ‘ Listen , Jacqui , I think I may be on to something about the way Steen 's behaving . ’
11 About quangos whatsoever , I want to something about the boundaries of the European parliament .
12 ‘ We can get it chased up but it 's probably one they hand out to anybody about the right age when they 're on the job .
13 She is not permitted to talk to anyone about the marriage now . ’
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