Example sentences of "to [indef pn] in [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The same pugnacious jaws , the same steely eyes and , worst of all , the same muscular thickset build — they answered to nothing in their mother 's self-portrait .
2 Clara was astonished ; she could compare the room to nothing in her experience , nothing at all , unless it were perhaps to those studiously , tediously visited ancient homes which she had been round on various bank holidays during her childhood .
3 He had achieved next to nothing in his own room , and in the laboratory he had been the victim of Reuben God Almighty Boll 's sarcasm .
4 I walk down the real staircase , but I know , like Lot 's wife knew , that everything is crumbling to a smoke screen behind me , the urge to look back slaps at my face , but there has been enough powder to nothing in my life .
5 ‘ O.K. ’ he announced to everyone in his usual grudging style .
6 Headmaster , Mr John O'Brien , commented : ‘ It was a great surprise to everyone in our team to hear of the win , and it certainly boosted morale and gave us lots of enjoyment in distributing the Wispa bars ’ .
7 One of the most important messages that we must give to everyone in our country is that we have in place proper , fair and effective policies to deal with the unprecedented flow of asylum seekers .
8 They had checked Angela 's diary for the two weeks before she had gone missing and were talking to everyone in it . ’
9 But there 's also a radio in the police cars that you can talk all the way over in Chelmsford which is twenty two , twenty three miles away , so you can t talk to someone in what the Essex Police call their information room , that 's another piece of equipment .
10 Troy only answered , ‘ I have a duty to someone in my past .
11 I mean I was what I 've mentioned it like to someone in my class .
12 As a result of the decisions in these cases and the growing influence of subcontractors within the JCT , the 1980 standard form contains a procedure for nomination second to none in its complexity .
13 After 16 months in office , Major has a record second to none in its wretchedness .
14 I defer to none in my appreciation of the work done by the youth service all over the country .
15 Something in me says something to something in them .
16 Something in them says something to something in me .
17 But you 've retained that particular quirky beauty that calls to something in me , some random or rogue streak , and this time I 'm answering .
18 Physical symptoms , such as muscle aches , stomach aches , rashes , headaches or bowel problems , usually accompany the mental symptoms in those who are sensitive to something in their diet or environment .
19 In sign , it can be seen in the learner 's apparent acknowledgement of comprehension of a statement by the deaf person which the hearing learner in fact has not understood , or it involves an immediate switch of topic by the hearing learner to something in which he feels more competent , without answering the deaf person 's query .
20 I should like to refer briefly to something in which my right hon. and learned Friend knows that I have a passionate interest .
21 Now there are occasions where members legitimately need to attend committees to speak to something in which they have an interest but the difficulty is , that in the past when we had permanent chairman , a member who wanted to attend the meeting had to ask the permission of that permanent chairman and there are occasions when that permanent chairman thought , well , there is no need for that member to attend and he has said no .
22 Here is an area where the balance of advantage has changed since 1979 , from union leaders to employers and managers and from the consultative role granted to the unions to one in which they are virtually ignored by the government .
23 By October 1964 in the complex shifting sands of Ugandan parliamentary politics this alignment changed to one in which Obote felt strong enough to break his alliance with the kabaka , with whom he moved into a position of open enmity .
24 But the new mergers are its first in a state that is not contiguous to one in which Banc One already operates .
25 There , a gale of competition swept Britain from a Soviet-style queueing system to one in which people could quickly and conveniently borrow as much as they were able to service , from any of a wide choice of lenders .
26 To alter this cluster of attitudes to one in which sexuality is seen as an expression of an equal , sharing relationship will require a widespread change in social attitudes through education and other media .
27 To pass from the world of Augustine and his pagan contemporaries into the world of Gregory the Great ( pope 590–604 ) is to move by imperceptible stages from a world in which the basic question was ‘ What is a Christian ? ’ to one in which it has become ‘ How should a Christian live , behave , be a good Christian ? ’
28 For the second time in its history , New Scientist is attempting to move from a printing process based on solid metal type to one in which a computer stores the words .
29 The editing problem is that this particular group of shots ends with the boat 's abrupt departure — we go suddenly from shots of the men at work to one in which the boat is already in motion : in effect , we have a jump-cut , and your task as editor is to find some way of bridging the gap in the action .
30 as the elderly person becomes older , the situation is likely to change from one in which the able-bodied parent primarily provides servicing to the younger single adult … to one in which the relationship is primarily one of dependency .
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