Example sentences of "to [be] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There seemed to be plenty to eat , the French are masters at rustling up something to eat at very short notice .
2 There seemed to be nobody to teach , and the quiet , firm lay organizers of the parish were not about to allow a girl of twenty-four to interfere with the way things were done .
3 In fact , those who most seem to be themselves appear to me people impersonating what they think they might like to be , believe they ought to be , or wish to be taken to be by whoever is setting standards .
4 Now the idea behind that is that it builds up and keeps in trim the muscles of the feet and ankles and legs , which is going to be what gets you about because you realize your retirement is going to be as good as your legs .
5 This does appear to be what happens .
6 Nevertheless , this , or something similar , is very likely to be what happened .
7 However , if some setting that you have little or no first-hand experience of does happen to be what has made your imagination bubble and race , you need not cross it off altogether .
8 The only guide available to what may be very popular in the future is felt to be what has been very popular in the past .
9 Everybody 's going to be what 's named and this that and the other .
10 Yes , yeah there used there used to be one go down , another one used to be coming up .
11 I did n't used to be one to leave dreams be .
12 Step 4 If the problems are different for each side or the solutions each side wants do not coincide then the bargaining is likely to be one involving conflict , that is based on I win , you lose .
13 You 've really got to be one to appreciate the spirit of the place but pop in to see what a real pub should be like .
14 Indeed , in Tolson this was expressed to be the case even where the crime was held to be one requiring proof of a mental element .
15 You wo n't get a cup of tea , although you might be OK for a Garibaldi if there happens to be one lying around , but you 'll quickly be strapped into the beige and orange sofa , and invited to ‘ Convince us why we should vote for your lot .
16 If we take a large firm to be one employing more than 1000 and a small one less than 100 , the latter in 1985 employed 15 times as many people in the private sector as a whole and five times as many in manufacturing .
17 However , there only appears to be one reported case since Bolam where this has occurred ( Hucks v Cole ( 1968 ) 112 Sol Jo 483 ) .
18 Yeah , you can blow them instead of me if you like , oh no it 's got to be me has it , for the picture ?
19 I think that , I think in actual fact , that the only thing really to do is if he does n't want to be himself do something else and then he wo n't do it ever again
20 There seemed to be nothing to say to that .
21 There appears , moreover , to be nothing to support Husameddin 's account of the circumstances of the death of " Mehmed Sah " , together with Haci Ivaz and Ibrahim Pasa , in 832 beyond the purported letter from Molla Fenari to Murad II which Husameddin mentions but neither quotes nor identifies in such a manner as to make it accessible .
22 He really was in something of a hurry and there was going to be nothing gained by engaging in either argument of fisticuffs with a cab driver .
23 There seemed to be nothing to stop nuclear disarmament that summer , when Eisenhower arrived at Geneva and made his ‘ open skies ’ proposal as a confidence-building measure .
24 All afternoon there seemed to be nothing to do but wait .
25 After that , there seemed to be nothing to do , so she went upstairs and lay down on the bed .
26 Huy looked at him , but there seemed to be nothing to read in the face , beyond a curious anxiety , and a curious devotion .
27 there appears , however , to be nothing to prevent any mental patient registering in a constituency in which he is actually resident .
28 Until that moment this had seemed perfectly natural to me ; I never imagined it to be something contrived , something worked at in secret , something which even had Pa acting against his most sacred principle : Waste not , want not .
29 ‘ Well , I 'm a sparker — a wireless telegraphist — and Jane 's a coder , so it 's got to be something to do with signals .
30 So , Bullett and Freud conclude , well , it has to be something to do with him personally .
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