Example sentences of "to [v-ing] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She would go from eating little and missing meals to eating heavily at times when she experienced her sweet cravings .
2 My father 's generation was not one accustomed to discussing and analysing in the way ours is and I believe the telling and retelling of this story was as close as my father ever came to reflecting critically on the profession he practised .
3 The pensione was of the reassuringly old-fashioned type which was used to catering mainly for parties of middle-aged English , American , German or Scandinavian women , though a few men in the shape of clergymen and husbands were also accommodated .
4 A step-by-step approach is required : first to entice the dog into the car , then allow it to become used to resting here without being driven off .
5 In addition to drawing heavily on biblical condemnation of the Jews , it must be remembered that Luther was himself an eager student of Hebraic religious literature .
6 Additionally , a more flexible attitude by social services to enable the young person without fully satisfactory living arrangements to go to , to stay on as long as necessary at the home , would be preferable to sticking rigidly to a somewhat arbitrary age cut-off time .
7 To avoid being recognised , he took to driving everywhere in a closed cab .
8 That is something we emphasise very strongly to patients after they have had a myocardial infarct ; that they are working their way back to becoming just like everybody else .
9 Since having the frame fitted at Middlesbrough General Hospital , Claire , of Warwick Street , Middlesbrough , can look forward to walking independently for the first time .
10 Since having the frame fitted at Middlesbrough General Hospital , she can look forward to walking independently for the first time .
11 She would have to go and make sure that everything was all right — and that meant goodbye to walking home along the sands .
12 He was used to walking all over the city , as if searching , as if dedicated to the act of searching , every single day ; and now he came to The Bar every single night , and did his searching there .
13 The principle ground urged on behalf of the applicant was that the district judge had been misled by counsel then appearing or the Attorney-General into the belief that there was no real prospect that the B.M.F.L. prosecution of the applicant would go ahead , and that accordingly there could be no objection to pressing forward with the lesser charges .
14 ‘ I look forward to contributing further in helping them achieve all their objectives . ’
15 Wherever we have looked for savings , we have looked to trimming away at the centre and preserving those services that are delivered to the citizens in a direct way .
16 With his experience and enthusiasm he was an instant hit and is now close to climbing aboard for the European Championship finals this summer .
17 Get used to writing continuously for , say , forty minutes without a break .
18 That she 'd lost her normally very healthy appetite , reduced to picking desultorily at meals where once she would have tucked in hungrily ?
19 I have stopped erm , I stopped once for well over a year and er , I went back to smoking shortly after the death of my mother , who incidentally , died of a smoking related disease .
20 He took an extreme position on law reform as well as in matters religious , and his fellow millenarians took to meeting regularly at his house to concert their parliamentary tactics .
21 We went to make coffee , the wretched little kitchen , and I thought , anyhow I could n't face up to living here with him just the domestic effort .
22 The zeal for the development of spiritual life , which had flowered in Europe from the tenth to the twelfth centuries , had resulted in the reform of the Benedictine monasticism of the West and the emergence of Orders — Cluniac , Cistercian and Carthusian — committed to living apart in various communal ways which stressed above all the individual inner spiritual growth of their members .
23 They had once been commuters themselves but they had waited so long for trains they had taken to living permanently in the tunnels , skulking in the darkness by day and emerging late at night to devour unwary travellers .
24 Now at this point I want to sort of take a break from looking at the development of the Communist Party to looking briefly at the peasantry because although the peasantry have been in the background for much of the time , we have n't actually looked in any detail , so far , at the condition of the peasantry in China .
25 Positive as ever , however , Kylie did admit to looking forward to one element of her new found freedom .
26 He also felt that Alison had , somehow , understood him , as he had , in some way , He had , as he returned to looking forward to being with Irina and Marcus , an obscure sense of his life being ‘ in order ’ , as if deep sources were working benignly on his side .
27 Its role , however , is increasingly important as an ancillary to selling both in the receiving and giving senses .
28 The idea is to make powerful syndicate members compete as never before ; but it also restricts non-syndicate members to selling only to small investors .
29 If they have been used to rushing home from work or watching the clock during any stolen time with friends , they may find it hard to adapt to the fact that there is no longer any need to hurry back .
30 Labour is committed to caring most for the people who need our care : the homeless , those thrown out of institutional care without adequate support , the old and frail , those whose jobs are threatened by change at Cowley .
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