Example sentences of "to [det] [pron] may " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless , the lack of association between reduced birth weight and the subsequent development of diabetes suggests that defects of β cell function , in addition to that which may be induced by malnutrition in utero , are probably required for the development of non-insulin dependent diabetes .
2 What the doctrine actually achieves is a middle way of a rather different type to that which may have originally been conceived .
3 I would have you smile too , fair cousin , as it is my hope and one that you are privy to that you may soon be more to me than cousin .
4 Although to some it may seem a trivial matter , I feel real concern over the escalation of nationalist fervour generated on international match occasions .
5 In addition , registration does not create a priority point in the sense that the chargee is guaranteed priority from the date of registration ; this is because if A registers have charge on 21 January he has no guarantee that the company has not created a charge prior to this which may be registered within 21 days and thus have priority .
6 To this we may add the variations in cognitive , linguistic and perceptual growth between children of different backgrounds indicated in my last section .
7 In reply to this we may claim that only by considering unrealized possibilities can we define the nature of a writer 's achievement .
8 To this it may be objected that although it is necessary to tax in order to wage war , it is not necessary for the Executive to tax without a statute .
9 To these we may add a fourth , restoration growth , which is a significant category in areas which have witnessed serious church decline .
10 Each different form requires the mastery of its specific skills if , as is surely the object of the enterprise , the product is to be available and to communicate to all who may be interested .
11 2 Pipes The right to free passage and running ( subject to temporary interruption for repair alteration or replacement ) of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies to and from the Premises in and through the Pipes that now serve the Premises presently laid in on under or over other parts of the Centre and ( if any ) the Adjoining Property ( in common with the Landlord and other persons having a like right ) The tenant should ensure that the grant of a right to use the service media should extend not only to the service media in existence at the date of the lease but also to those which may be provided during the course of the lease , subject of course to the perpetuity provisions .
12 When a person 's property is insufficient for payment of his debts , it would obviously be unfair that the creditors who first obtain judgement and execution should be paid in full , leaving nothing to those who may try to enforce their claims later ; nor is it desirable that a man should indefinitely remain under a load of debts which ( it may be through no fault of his own ) he is unable to meet .
13 All this adds to the difficulty of bereavement service organizers in reaching out to those who may be most in need of the care that can be offered .
14 As we explain further in Chapter 7 in relation to certain marketing arrangements , the careful planning and drafting of the various categories of agreement covered by block exemptions is of pivotal importance in commercial and corporate planning as a defence to those who may wish to attack commercial agreements of their competitors .
15 To those who may view his findings as ‘ some new revolutionary theory ’ Dr Barsamian 's reply is straightforward : ‘ such people , ’ he states , ‘ deny evidence without evaluating it . ’
16 They also offered a few words of comfort to those who may have been encouraged by the church to believe their lifestyles were sinful : ‘ We can assure lesbians and gays of heaven .
17 Saddam Hussein had urged the Iraqi parliament " to adopt your just decision to lift the travel ban on all foreigners and to restore to all of them the freedom to travel , apologizing to those who may have been harmed , and seeking forgiveness from God " .
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