Example sentences of "to [noun prp] and his " in BNC.

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1 A presentation to Jim and his wife Frances was made by Charles Winter , the Bank 's Vice Chairman at a ceremony in ‘ 42 ’ .
2 ‘ The monument to Steiner and his men the villagers of Studley Constable had hidden under the tombstone in the churchyard . ’
3 It had happened to me once before , the discovery of that hidden memorial to Steiner and his men in the churchyard at Studley Constable .
4 Charlie was n't frightened of any Germans , but he still hoped that the war might come to an end quickly and that his father would return to Whitechapel and his routine of working at the docks during the day and drinking in the Black Bull at night But with no letters and only restricted news in the papers even Mr Salmon could n't tell him what was really happening at the front .
5 It may seem sad , or even tragic , that so much credit has gone to Fleming and so little to Florey and his team at Oxford .
6 But the pathway to discovery was established and the scale on which resources were expended to make these discoveries represents a fantastic extravagance when it is compared with the few thousands of pounds available to Florey and his colleagues , and even with the subsequent development of the original penicillins in the United States .
7 Because the Pope , according to Bernard and his friends , alone among all men had the ear of God , and God , it seems , thinks the more people down here on earth the better .
8 With the 401st Bomb Group continuing their dials missions , a brief respite cam e to Dan and his crew as Mary Alice underwent repairs , until just even days later when they flew to the marshalling yards south of Paris on June 4 .
9 The hopes of the Jacobites came to be centred on James 's offspring , who were agreed on all sides to be enchanting children : Louise Marie , born in June 1692 after the great disappointment of La Hogue , whom James himself nicknamed ‘ la consolatrice ’ , i.e. his ‘ Solace ’ and — the real threat to William and his heirs — the so-called Prince of Wales , James Francis Edward , the ‘ warming-pan baby ’ whose birth , on 10 June 1688 , had really cost James his throne .
10 The marriage of Henry of Anjou to Eleanor and his accession , two years later , to the throne of England had brought together under a single sceptre peoples and provinces which hardly knew each other .
11 To Lavoisier and his associates a new international language could be constructed for chemistry .
12 They addressed most of their conversation to Zimmerman and his wife , occasionally deigned , as it were under protest , to speak to the Frenchmen , but pointedly avoided addressing the fräulein at all .
13 In sharp contrast to Keynes and his followers , these economists have suggested that monetary policy should not be changed in response to any booms or recessions which the economy experiences : it should not be more expansionary in a recession and more restrictive in a boom .
14 It seems that even the 081/071 switch-over went seamlessly well owing to Richard and his expert ease as writer/director .
15 But it had to be called off after a police blunder led to Dennis and his alleged victim coming face-to-face with each other before the parade .
16 The message was clearly stated nonetheless , and it must have been an alarming one to Marchmont and his brother , for Wedderburn was an important freeholder with many connections in the country :
17 Living so close to him , she understood ; she was beginning to see not the disfiguring scar and limp , but instead the essential Neil , who was so kind to herself — for all his teasing of her — and to Matey and his poor patients .
18 Clement V provided Reynolds to Canterbury so ‘ that peace might be preserved to Edward and his realm ’ : Reynolds was ordered to conduct affairs differently from the contentious Winchelsey ‘ so as to temper the rancour between the king and his nobles , hoping to benefit the church thereby ’ .
19 The allegation was foreign to Papert and his colleagues , but it is true that Servan-Schreiber would be politically safer and the centre financially more secure , if French industry could contribute substantially to the hardware required for pilot projects .
20 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
21 Joe had gauged that the ‘ he ’ she referred to was the uncle and the reference to Pitman 's shorthand brought his eyes to Mick and his face ready to go into a grin ; but something in Mick 's expression checked it and he listened to him saying , ‘ She 's a bright lass , is Carrie . ’
22 The queen 's apparent reasonableness does indeed seem to have paid off , and the granting of military commands to Dorset and his uncle met with no recorded opposition .
23 The queen 's apparent reasonableness does indeed seem to have paid off , and the granting of military commands to Dorset and his uncle met with no recorded opposition .
24 According to Okahata and his colleagues , the lipid-coated quartz crystal microbalance is both physically stable and reusable .
25 Briefly , what happens is that chapters 1 and 2 of Book III take Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli from the 26th to the 28th February ; chapters 3 and 4 lead Pippin and Merry from the 26th February to the 2nd March ; chapters 5–7 return to Aragorn and his companions and ‘ leapfrog ’ them past Merry and Pippin again to the 4th March ; while in chapter 8 these two sub-groups of the fellowship meet again on the 5th , for Merry and Pippin to bring their story up-to-date again in recounted narrative .
26 Money surviving these payouts would be available to Höchstetter and his partners for the running costs of the works .
27 Only in spring 1418 could Bubwith return to England and his diocese .
28 Utterly unmediated in his coming on the day of Pentecost , and on what has been called ‘ the Gentile Pentecost ’ to Cornelius and his entourage , the Spirit works in many varied ways .
29 The pope 's comment that one could never lack for advocates in Rome , his advice to Thomas to go to Bologna and his own interest and concern in the details of hearings present a picture of Rome and a papal court alive with lawyers and those interested in the law .
30 Then with an exchange of broken English and French , the Captain saw four large brandy barrels being handed over to Jake and his gang .
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