Example sentences of "to [pers pn] [conj] a " in BNC.

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1 We always tried to get some payment to them before a term started
2 It was obvious that the air raid siren had never been much more to them than a bore .
3 To show enthusiasm for a glance with them through the pages of old photograph albums , can often give immense pleasure ; and half an hour spent like this can mean more to them than a whole evening of television , for they are warmed by memories of happier days .
4 Perhaps because of their journalistic origin , the pieces have not generally been very highly regarded , and are indeed uneven ; but as these performances show , there is more to them than a hastily dashed-off group of salon genre trifles .
5 The image of the phallus was not lewd to them but a daily reminder of abundance , happiness and the generative power of the life force .
6 They must be empowered to demand excellence in the courses that they attend and realise that their education is not a favour to them but a means of preparing them to be the sort of doctors that we want in the future .
7 It feels to them that a major event has changed their lives and yet people around them seem to be wanting them to forget it and ‘ get on with things ’ as quickly as possible .
8 As P had previously been cautioned , and also cautioned before interview on the further charge only half an hour before he came to write his statement , it might not have occurred to them that a further caution was necessary .
9 The investigators had also come into possession of what was said to be Fhimah 's personal diary , improbable though it must have seemed to them that a trained intelligence agent would keep one or put anything in writing , let alone the incriminating English word ‘ taggs ’ ( sic ) in the middle of an entry in Arabic and then , according to media reports , leave the diary behind for the investigators to find .
10 When my right hon. Friend visits the county palatine , will he hold a meeting with tenants and perhaps point out to them that a standard rate of 35p in the pound , which was described as preposterous by the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East ( Mr. Smith ) , was the rate levied by the last Labour Government ?
11 The agreement was due to be formalized in October , but was placed in doubt when private creditor banks objected to the government 's announcement that it would not resume interest payments to them until a comprehensive set of new debt rescheduling agreements had been reached .
12 My home is a shrine to them and a talking point for my friends , who think I 'm completely nuts .
13 It is up to them and a lot of the time they will do anything to get you inside .
14 The nation 's youngsters took to them and a successful soap was born .
15 He got out to speak to them and an argument started which led to a fight .
16 ‘ It seems to me that a new play like Shadowlands needs to be exposed to different audiences before it settles down .
17 It does not seem to me that a reader principally interested in capitalism , or imperialism , or the theories of such Marxist writers as Althusser or Gramsci would turn to a book such as this , and so I have kept discussion of these topics to a minimum .
18 Then about four days later it was pointed out to me that a real earthquake actually hit Germany last week , and she was n't being poetic at all , and I actually felt cheated of the wave of emotion I had felt towards her .
19 It seemed ridiculous to me that a guy with his experience and ability should have to accept the restrictions of a Number Two .
20 It seems to me that a correct understanding of human evolution is very relevant to projects of this kind , but that the effect of that understanding is largely discouraging to them .
21 It was apparent to me that a great deal more useful information could be derived from the FDR if the single parameter of pitch attitude could be added to the requirements , and I pressed this view very hard with the authorities when they drew up the UK regulations on the subject in 1964 .
22 He writes : ‘ It seems to me that a great number of our explicit or implicit theories , our methods and preferences are heavily influenced by the very long traditions of analyzing mainly , or only , certain kinds of written language .
23 Moreover , it seems to me that a local authority is to be commended for a decision such as this , made in the light of the report of an independent person of the qualification and experience of a guardian ad litem .
24 in in my course of work , I have three grown up sons and I think an awful lot of what we 're talking about is in your own attitude to men , and generally the most difficult men to deal with , I find , are men who for whatever reason , are actually inadequate , a little bit sensitive to women being competent I I have no difficulty at all in dealing with that , but I I 'm aware that it seems significant to me that a lot of the younger women here are much more shall we say , sensitive to erm , what I perceive as being basically male chauvinism .
25 Likewise , supporters have reported to me that a well known , flamboyant Football League Premier Division chairman has been seen at ‘ The Tip ’ .
26 It 's astonishing to me that a boy whose father and grandfather have both been soldiers before him should have such a poorly developed sense of loyalty arid duty . "
27 It does seem likely to me that a North-South divide will be greatly deepened ; that the still weak by nonetheless unmistakeable pressures towards democratisation in some of the Arab societies will be lost , not least because the war and the allies will put such a premium on harsh social and political controls in what many will see as potentially revolutionary situations .
28 ‘ It occurred to me that a golf-club can be a pretty lethal weapon . ’
29 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
30 Naturally I talked over every aspect of it with Elizabeth and the family ; and in the end I concluded that if- and only if-convincing evidence was brought to me that a substantial majority in both Houses wished me to take on the job I would do so .
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