Example sentences of "to [art] world [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Organised in conjunction with Farm Tours and World Wide Sires , our two-week trip combines spectacular sightseeing and superb hospitality with visits to top dairy breeders ' herds in Vermont , Ohio and California and a visit to the World Dairy Expo in Wisconsin .
2 Germany 's vulnerability to the world recession is shown in trade figures that have been sharply worse than last year .
3 In large measure this is attributable to the world recession which developed after the oil crisis in 1974 , although another contributory factor is associated with the failure of western societies to respond sufficiently quickly to the development of new technologies .
4 Thirdly , we will in a moment be hearing a report erm , about the World Council of Churches assembly which took place in Canberra so there is another aspect to the World Church hitting our agenda today .
5 We tend to refer to the World Church as something outside our particular constituency and we must n't forget that we must own the World Church .
6 If we belong to the World Church then we must be in with part of this worldwide process and we shall never be ashamed of it .
7 China , the last country to allow the import of ivory , is to accede to the world ban on ivory as of January 1991 .
8 Whereas the long-term significance of human activity upon plants and animals and soil characteristics and distributions has provided one research focus , in climatology the emphasis has perhaps been more evident on a spatial scale with the impact of human activity first appreciated at the local scale but then subsequently extended to the meso and thence to the world scale .
9 Although that crisis seemed serious then , compared with the present threat to the world banking system , it was small beer .
10 John Morris , the board 's secretary , has already suggested to the World Boxing Council that , since Duran was inside the middleweight limit when he lost to Sugar Ray Leonard , he should have lost that title , even though the pair were fighting for the world super-middleweight championship .
11 The 18 organisations — from the Africa Wildlife Foundation to the World Society for the Protection of Animals — claimed there was a crisis ‘ threatening the effectiveness of CITES . ’
12 This tournament has filled an important gap in Higher Education tennis thanks to Midland Bank 's financial support ( which stretches from sponsoring schools tennis right through to the World circuit ) .
13 Firstly , he has been involved with the team as a test driver for the last two years ' development of the incredibly successful active-ride suspension system which powered Mansell to the world title .
14 Watching Violet sitting through the preliminaries to the world title elimination bout was rather like watching her son as he prepared for the fight .
15 DAVID CAMPESE , whose genius inspired Australia to the world title 12 months ago , is on course to help them in their 1995 defence .
16 He is the first western born challenger for the title since Bobby Fischer took the championship in 1972 and the first British player this century to be this close to the world title .
17 He guided David Smith 's Perth to the world title in 1991 .
18 He came to England in 1810 , intent on the championship , then equivalent to the world heavyweight title .
19 Now this is what I was saying about tal sitting next to the world expert in .
20 George Underwood : ‘ It was all instigated by David really , because he had been listening to the World Service on the radio and suddenly got the bug to get involved in American Football , and he wrote to the American Embassy asking for more information .
21 We sat down to breakfast in the garden , and listened to the World Service news .
22 I like to think that I share a love of the World Service and an interest in it with Mr. Gorbachev , who gave it one of the best unsolicited testaments that anyone could when he said that while being held prisoner he heard about what was going on in the world by listening to the World Service .
23 I was only half awake when I listened to the World Service .
24 Domestic radio ( in contrast to the World Service ) barely touched on the run up to the cancellation of Yeltsin 's trip to Japan , so when it happened we did n't know why , we did n't know how important it was .
25 no the English news only comes on at half past ten at night and then you 'll get what they wanted to hear , so you do n't have to listen to the World Service
26 He also encounters his arch enemy Professor Moriarty in a mystery which involves a kidnapped child and returning stolen gold to the world exchange , thereby preventing an economic crisis and a world war .
27 Rubbish Fadeev clung to the world championship lead despite falling on a tripe loop in yesterday 's original programme .
28 He immediately took to coaching , aiding the sculler , Carl Smith , to the world championship in 1986 , and has already had three successful years with the Nottinghamshire County club .
29 It 's the perfect build-up to the World Championship . ’
30 In torrential rain he easily sped past the 500 class 's dry weather superstars , closed on leader Wayne Rainey , eventually finishing a brilliant second to the world champion .
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