Example sentences of "to [be] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 long it 's going to be before it 's all over and we can go home . ’
2 You see ads for PCs promoting themselves as ‘ network-ready ’ and you wonder just how ready a PC needs to be before it can be used on a LAN .
3 The question then arises as to how specific the Community legislation has to be before it precludes national legislation .
4 How safe does a drug have to be before it receives a certificate ?
5 The sentimental message seems to be that it 's never too late to open up , confess and say sorry ( even if you 're dead ) , and once you do everything is OK , everybody gets a second chance in the new kinder , gentler America , tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life etc .
6 The justification for this was expressed to be that it would thus be open to a court at a later date to review the matter of sex determination Ormrod J. 's decision , much cited and approved of in the House of Commons debate , evidently will remain the law .
7 Although nature is infinitely diverse and the techniques and approaches used for its study are widely varied , a most obvious feature of science seems to be that it is concerned with the dismantling of superfluous structure , and the description of nature 's many facets in the simplest possible terms .
8 The answer appears to be that it arrived courtesy of the Romans .
9 The main criterion for an engine , says Mr Nearn , has to be that it fits the car .
10 The only possible explanation of this radiation , which corresponds to a temperature of about 3K ( 3 C° above the absolute zero of cold ) , seemed to be that it represented the residual energy left over from the Big Bang .
11 The problem seems to be that it is fundamentally about attitudes to work and such attitudes are subject to an inextricable and non-monotonic range of influences not only from work itself , with all the pressures of technological change , but also from prevailing economic , social and cultural changes in the community generally .
12 The answer to the key question — what applications will it run — appears to be that it will run unmodified character-based MS-DOS applications , and converted Mac applications , to the extent that any developers are prepared to convert them , and will run on iAPX-86 processors from the 80386 up .
13 Apricot Computers Ltd , which always likes to be first with Intel 's latest chip , will reportedly announce a P5-based machine in September , but with the enormous leap in complexity in the microprocessor , the other major worry has to be that it will take early users of the chip at least 18 months to find all the bugs in it and for Intel to correct them .
14 However , the prevailing view seems to be that it is preferable for women to withdraw from the labour market rather than for men to have to retire five years earlier .
15 A principal justification for the change was said to be that it unduly restricted the proper development of the law ( Practice Statement , ( Judicial Precedent ) , [ 1966 ] 1 WLR 1234 ) .
16 The answer seems to be that it depends on their immediate environment , how they are socialized , their level of education or ‘ culture ’ .
17 So powerful did the Association feel itself to be that it declined to amalgamate into a nationally representative Shipping Federation which came into being in September 1890 , though it allowed its individual members to join if they wished and developed a working arrangement with it.Indeed the separatism of the Mersey shipowners lasted until 1967 when they eventually merged into a British Shipping Federation , though not under the title " Employers ' Labour Association " .
18 It 's any ancient domestic breed , one of many in eastern Asia , and it main attributes seem to be that it does n't eat much , it grows up quickly , and it 's almost pure lard .
19 The other procedural advantage is said to be that it is open to a prosecutor to include a series of incidents in the one charge , rather than as a series of assaults .
20 Another effect of the phrase would seem to be that it enables the person uttering the remarks or engaging in the behaviour to assert that he was unaware of the presence of his audience , which duplicates the requirements of intention now built into the section .
21 The result is bound to be that it will be far harder to acquire convictions in these cases than it is at the moment .
22 The general attitude seems to be that it must have been a madman and the Church does n't have to deal with madmen .
23 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
24 It appears to be that it 's off the rails
25 Thirdly that there is no requirement to demonstrate a need to locate development in open countryside erm and we 've been reminded this morning that erm one of the erm flaws in the policy put forward back in nineteen seventy nine or eighty erm appears to be that it erm required , certainly in the explanatory memorandum , that the development be erm essential erm to er essentially have a countryside location .
26 It also seems to be that it 's different in different cultures .
27 it it came to be that it was the older men usually that were asked to do it I mean the people I suppose maybe felt it was more suitable to have older folk coming in to their houses .
28 Harrowing stuff with emotions , hormones and nerve ends aching , but for all the quality of the acting and the script , it does n't seem as moving as it ought to be but it is hard to define why not .
29 Forgetting the past is obviously not the positive action it ought to be if it results in waves of violence towards anyone perceived as not sufficiently ‘ German ’ .
30 Erm it would have to be if it were with water I 'd have to put something else in as well otherwise the stuff would n't stay on the page .
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