Example sentences of "to [pron] i can " in BNC.

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1 As the girl dances close to me I can smell her perfume and all that has gone before is completely forgotten ; the slit trenches , the mosquitoes , the wounded and my dead comrades .
2 Edwin , ’ she added , without moving her gaze , ‘ Louisa has been so great a comfort to me I can hardly bear this parting . ’
3 That came as a great surprise to me I can tell you .
4 So I thought well I 'll carry one of these for when I 'm going out in my car to which , you know , and if somebody does come up to me I can use it in a positive manner while in a split second time for me , hopefully beca , cos of my range of work
5 You have a second to whom I can present the note ? ’
6 Erm somebody , and I think it was Derek , and I put down Derek as a guess , was supposed to be getting a list of local area MPs to whom I can then write .
7 For instance , I can see that writing this book is a function of my job and as such is part of the responsibility of earning a living , but it is also an escape for me , a kind of haven to which I can take refuge from the hundred and one pressures that impinge on the practical business of living .
8 Most planners and managers , though they pay lip-service to the idea that users should have some influence on the way services develop , do not in fact involve users very much in the planning process , and there is no service in Britain to which I can point at present were users get anywhere near having a significant influence .
9 Wednesday after playschool I said to you I can afford that jumper I 've got twenty seven pound
10 Well if you 're all the way over there and I 'm talking to you I can hear my voice more .
11 Your insults to myself I can stomach ; those you choose to demean an innocent young girl with are quite another thing .
12 Any suggestion as to what I can be doing wrong — if anything ?
13 ‘ There is practically no limit to what I can think of . ’
14 There 's a limit to what I can endure . ’
15 I do n't know we 'll have to what I can freeze wo n't we ?
16 Fastening me to anything I can go anywhere
17 If our losing directly prevented the scum from winning the league , and it was not very advantageous to us I can imagine a senario when I wo n't be bothered with a win .
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