Example sentences of "to [pron] [vb -s] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Nevertheless they do represent different ways in which psychotic vulnerability can manifest itself and reference to them helps to provide some clues as to which of its aspects might mediate any association that exists with creativity .
2 They relate to a brief two-year crisis period in her forty-four year life ; and although they are by no means irrelevant to her political role , the approach to them has had such a predominantly personal — one might almost say tabloid — quality that the historiographical Mary is immediately marked out from all other historical monarchs , Scottish or otherwise .
3 Well in that case and they 'd been stopping them for us you see and er excuse me stopping them for us and whoever decided to speak to them has had his few words and that 's it carry on .
4 This subject needs a great deal of careful study and thought but , with this outline , let us move on to look at the experience a bereaved person might have of the church when someone close to them has died .
5 It often breaks her great big heart when she to me doth say ,
6 Someone close to me has had a cataract operation in both eyes .
7 ‘ All that has happened to me has helped open my eyes and I am still young enough to put the past firmly behind me . ’
8 Music to thee doth howl .
9 As you saw the man first , I think you would be interested to interview him now , and see if his attitude to himself has altered . ’
10 Before doing so all offers received should be examined and explained to the client with a recommendation as to which offers to proceed with .
11 Their appeal was that they were conceived in Keynesian terms as helping to reduce the extent to which measures to alleviate unemployment , in a largely fully employed economy , created inflation .
12 I think he s a bargain specially as he s good looking to which lets face it is the only way to judge a player anyway .
13 Could I say hello to who likes to eat ?
14 VERY best wishes to who has retired from packing department after 17 years .
15 Congratulations to who has raised £350 for the Hope House Children 's Respite Hospice appeal by doing a sponsored silence earlier this year .
16 Thanks for the bumper size of this newsletter must go to who has done a marvellous job at retaining our loyal advertising supporters and encouraged new people to start to advertise with us .
17 I am indebted to who has drawn my attention to an article reprinted in the Journal of Applied Occupational Environmental Hygiene , August 1992 , Vol 7 pp 532–40 , to whom I am also indebted for permission to use extracts for the benefit of this article .
18 If you listen very carefully to the background music , you might hear a clue to who has committed the crime , that 's if you know Morse code .
19 Our gratitude and thanks go to who has worked hard and contributed so much to this post .
20 You have to go through a short course at the R A F College Cranwell and then once that that teaches you the R A F side of it makes you into an officer because at the end of the day you maybe there to do public relations but if the spaghetti hits the fan you 're an officer and you 're a combatant and you know you carry a gun around when you 're in a war zone and you know you 're expected to use it and if the senior officer of the unit next to you gets shot and you 're the most senior officer then you take over
21 Somehow you can put up with and even smile at a stranger or workmate 's silly antics and daft behaviour , but when someone close to you starts rubbing you up the wrong way you 'll explode .
22 What is n't very important to you has become important to me — disturbingly important .
23 ‘ Are you trying to tell me that Bella ; Bella ? — who according to you has slept with half of London — expects you to go through this … this disgusting pantomime in order to get a divorce ?
24 If the course described to you seems to bear no relation to these criteria do make further enquiries .
25 As a TO one wants to do as well as one can , and the paradox is that the better one does in a sense the worse it is for the voluntary movement , who should be persuaded to do the maximum rather than the minimum .
26 Broadly , the expectation is that the Monarch will not have to take a decision that will then prove to be a violation of the democratic process , because it will be up to whoever agrees to form a government in these circumstances to prove that he or she has adequate parliamentary support .
27 I think the wine will definitely go to the nurses and the whisky will go to whoever wants to have a drink of whisky .
28 " Whatever it was you said to him has caused him to cancel the work I was doing for him .
29 Aethelbald 's association with these councils does not give the impression of a king so totally outside contemporary conventions as Boniface 's letter to him seems to imply .
30 What 's happened to her has injured more than her body .
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