Example sentences of "to [pron] [conj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps it is true that ‘ life begins at 40 ’ ( or 50 ) for those who recognize the opportunities available to them after parenting ceases , and are prepared to take advantage of them .
2 British filmmaking , they really were n't very interested anymore : their cinema revenues were considerably more important to them than film production .
3 It also remains to be seen whether better preretirement and health education programmes will play a part in helping people prepare constructively for old age and to make a realistic appraisal of the matters which are and will be of greater importance to them than sea air .
4 They spend half their lives underground in darkness or near-darkness and touch , smell and hearing convey as much or more to them than sight .
5 And even when they do make a specific choice , non-cost factors are generally more important to them than cost factors .
6 Mavis and Walter , pretending ‘ their horse 's welfare meant more to them than eating ’ , set off up the train to eat in the racegoers ' dining car , and so did Angelica , ‘ too upset to sit down ’ .
7 What do most people believe it is for , what do their dreams and other experiences during sleep signify , and what may happen to them if sleep is disturbed or prevented ?
8 He 's figuring on going back to them when Alpha has a track record on the systems level .
9 Nor did she nod to them or smile or turn to see whether the dark man was there and whether he was painting .
10 This concerns the capacity to discern how far the content of a belief is positive as opposed to negative , and how far this promotes engagement with people rather than indifference to them or denial of them as persons .
11 The journey between them was as familiar to them as sleep .
12 There is a relentless derision of Mr Kinnock among some young apparatchiks and if that reflects voices higher up it adds to the sense that , like bad generals , the Tories may be underestimating the enemy , as dangerous to them as hubris for Labour .
13 ‘ I want to say to them ‘ think again' and I want to say to them as man to man ‘ think again , go and think about a better way , ’ he said .
14 These are idol-like figures and both Celie and Ponyboy look up to them as role models and surround their lives with these friends .
15 If America were to break its commitments to them and head into orbit with the Russians , there would be a fair-sized row .
16 There 's a difference in the way that the blokes treat the girls and talk to them and stuff , there 's a very big difference .
17 This has been a prison of good general health helping people get back in society in the most helpful way to them and society as possible
18 He realized that there must be meetings , and he was prepared to go to them and fire off his battery of buzz words which signified he was ‘ one of us ’ .
19 About the only decent argument I 've heard on this , I have to say that because it was my daughter who advanced it , about the only decent argument I have heard is the one about badger baiting where she said to me but badger baiting is not allowed on your land and that is the point precisely that Mr made , it is not allowed because that is the law of the land and that is where decisions about the permission or otherwise of fox hunting should be made .
20 Shape and form are of greater importance to me than colour , so much of my work is in black and white .
21 I would have you smile too , fair cousin , as it is my hope and one that you are privy to that you may soon be more to me than cousin .
22 Food is more frightening to me than death itself .
23 I wanted things that were solid and well made , and of course safe ; that was more important to me than appearance .
24 As he said to me after relegation was confirmed last season , ‘ League football is still only fifteen divisions away , Les . ’
25 He said , ‘ Spirit of the wind , spirit of the rain , listen to me and help .
26 Otley on the sofa next to me and Elinor on the floor leaning against him .
27 If I whistled , it would come back to me and rest on my shoulder again .
28 I never do it , but if people are mean to me or attack , I wait . ’
29 She stated in her own will it was to come to me when Dad died . ’
30 " Mr Kessler was very kind to me when Lance had his stroke . "
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