Example sentences of "to [pron] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 They had always been a close family and that night they had all ended up in tears after a lengthy talk with their family GP who had come to the house to talk to them about Jennifer 's diagnosis .
2 He had just broken the news to them about Philpott .
3 Similarly fixated is the dying man , known to them as Singapore Sling , who — in flashback — arrives at the house looking for his missing lover .
4 Josephus , who was present at the siege , refers to them as Sicarii .
5 Erm Colonel has supported very actively the current Three-Ninetieth Missile Wing like he supported us and he is respectfully known to them as Uncle Joe .
6 Write to them at Brook House , 2-16 Torrington Place , London , WC1E 7HN .
7 The legatine visitation would provide Offa with an opportunity to acquaint the pope with his plans and the thinking behind them , but there can be no question about the opposition to them at Canterbury .
8 Right : Identify callers before opening the door to them with Friedland 's Password doorphone .
9 Hasted writes : " Egberth King of Kent with consent of his nobles and princes , gave ten ploughlands in Hailing , with all appurtenances , together with fields , woods , meadows , marshes , fishings , huntings and fowlings belonging to them to Bishop Doran and the Church of Rochester with the denberies in the Weald , Bixle , Speldhurst , Meredaen , Thaerbe , Eastan , Rustewellee and Teppennyse , witnessed by King Heaberth and Archbishop Jaenbert . "
10 He liked to show parties of visitors round the house and to talk to them of Oswald , or Hild , or Cosin , or Lightfoot .
11 ‘ But that is a quite separate issue from the Alternative Services book which is an alternative way of enabling congregations who have not been well versed in Cranmerian language nevertheless to use a language which does reflect their longings and their prayers and can speak to them of God . ’
12 All men stand under God 's just wrath ; but the elect have his love opened to them through Jesus .
13 Yet few audit firms have chosen to protect themselves by becoming limited companies , an option that has been open to them since October last year .
14 I know how my sick friends enjoyed hearing about my day , and appreciated the prayer from my little scroll , when I took Our Lord to them on Sunday morning .
15 Borough council officers are looking at several ways of helping disabled motorists to shop in the town once High Row and Skinnergate become off bounds to them on March 29 .
16 Of course , they were doing something , standing around on comers in groups for example , but as far as the boys were concerned nothing memorable seems to happen to them on Saturday night .
17 Local dentists called the meeting after learning ministers wanted to reduce the 25pc subsidies paid to them for NHS patients .
18 If they could get to them before Scott
19 ‘ Constable Bewman here pointed out that each guest had their plate handed to them by Edith but I ca n't see how that would give the murderer any scope . ’
20 The crest was granted to them by King Robert I of Scotland , when one of the family turned away a charging bull , threatening the King 's life .
21 Pragna Patel , also a member of SBS , says : ‘ Muslims are n't bound to a single identity given to them by Kalim Siddiqui and the Muslim Parliament . ’
22 ‘ The Welsh Highland ( 1964 ) company is sorry to learn that the Ffestiniog Trust has rejected the very reasonable compromise offered to them by Gwynedd County Council , based on the suggestion in our brochure : The Way Forward .
23 The Jews ' special characteristics derive from the religion which was given to them by Moses , which stressed one God who was invisible and would not allow images of Himself to be made for worship .
24 It took the Venetians until 1420 to win control of all the territory promised to them by Ladislas , who in fact never realised his ambition to wear the crown of Hungary .
25 Instead of outrage at last week 's blocking of the succession of Stipe Mesic , a Croat , as Yugoslavia 's new president , officials in Zagreb smile at the propaganda coup handed to them by Serb politicians in Belgrade .
26 It is usually argued that the managers do not acquire their Newco shares pursuant to a right conferred on them or an opportunity offered to them by Newco by virtue of their employment ( see s77 Finance Act 1988 ) .
27 Among an interesting agenda of issues , we considered the Government 's stated position on many of the recommendations made by the Edwards Committee and the response to them by CCW and the Countryside Commission .
28 That so much has survived , despite Lanfranc 's hostility , is due first to the tenacity of the surviving monks , and then to the encouragement given to them by Anselm .
29 Looking back into the past , people are eager for an explanation to be given to them by Thames and I do think that people do n't feel that 's what they 've had so far .
30 The information comes first : Common threads are visible in the way all three designers handle the raw material supplied to them by BP .
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