Example sentences of "to [conj] [pron] did " in BNC.

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1 I actually wanted to that I did n't really want to go as far as for example deciding that the chair what they are voting would be within the resources available to the .
2 so I thought you were going to cos you did n't come back for a long time .
3 It 's relevant perhaps to report hereof that John Dennis has done a very useful spreadsheet of erm video profitability on a erm video by video basis , which we have actually a sort of profit and loss account for every year it was produced , and that is going to become a quarterly erm document which we can look at erm and that that 's very useful to and we did actually at our meeting discussing that yesterday we decided that we were going to erm try to break down erm the sales of that into title by market , did n't we ?
4 I did think I might read them some day , when I could bear to and it did n't feel quite so much like prying . ’
5 Because I did n't want the kids saying , ah , you have n't got to And I did n't want to go in on Saturday morning either did I ?
6 The sideboard knocked the wall as he swung round and the noise groaned in the room that had not known such life since the night Francis Sutherland , drunk in front of weekend guests , told his wife , self-assured and aloof on the distant coast of the table , that she was a frigid bitch who needed seeing to and he did n't care who did it .
7 ‘ She said she did not really want to go back to university and my husband told her she did not have to if she did not want to .
8 Erm when you went to what would you have resorted to if you did n't know
9 And erm , and then on the Sunday morning , it was the local tradespeople erm who were taking down the Christmas trees and things , they had to clear up , they did n't have to but they did clear up the mess , it was a disgrace .
10 She must have known what her Mum was up to but I did n't question her any more on the subject .
11 Er and then er I was going to make a v nice flat and I was going to build a warehouse and things to But I did n't got to do it .
12 At night George did what you 'd expect a husband to but I did n't mind .
13 I remember once I got on to Norton because there was this I wanted to get to but I did do some shepherding there , and that was another fun , carrying , and that 's a winter job , carrying the sheep hurdling , hurdles and stakes , I worked with a gypsy , a Romany gypsy , and he could n't speak very much , and tended to sing , as if something not quite right about him .
14 There has been much debate since the Judicature Acts as to whether they did something more than fuse the two systems at a procedural level , namely to change the substantive law .
15 Speculation has raged as to whether he did privately support rearmament but the likelihood is that he did not do so before the start of the Korean War .
16 Er it 's a matter of speculation as to whether it did play any part .
17 Nutty cried out , stung by adults ' crass thinking , wanting one thing , saying another , saying you had to when you did n't want to , and you could n't when you did want , saying you were no good when you were , and good when it was something that did n't matter , like a pootling poem or something .
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