Example sentences of "to [noun] 's [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Figure 7 ‘ The Country of the Iguanadon ’ , frontispiece to Mantell 's Wonders of Geology , eighth edition , 1864 .
2 My brain slammed into reverse — moving back to Jim 's words the other night .
3 In relation specifically to GP 's referrals others were consulted with exactly the same frequency whether male or female referrals .
4 In the Newtonian system , the realms of the celestial bodies and of earthly bodies were unified , each set of bodies moving under the influence of forces according to Newton 's laws of motion .
5 These statements , terrible to Cecilia 's ears , were made in tones of the utmost placidity .
6 ‘ I know you 've got a lot on , ’ Woodruffe said , ‘ but Major Gibbs says it 's absolutely essential that you be charged properly , according to King 's Regulations . ’
7 Both looked well pleased after hours of hard drinking and glowered at their sober master 's harsh strictures to leave their ale and go back through the pouring rain to King 's Steps and another unpleasant journey along the Thames .
8 He inflicted the first wound to Taylor 's hopes by conceding a penalty equaliser against the Dutch at Wembley and was also criticised for goals by Poland and Norway which threw away the points that would by now have left qualification a formality .
9 the University accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to property brought on to University 's premises .
10 In what must clearly be seen as an empire-building move , with particular reference to Christie 's ambitions in the Far East , Christie 's International plc have acquired Spink and Son Ltd , the adjacent fine art dealers and auctioneers , for £7.1 million ( $10.65 million ) .
11 Thus in 1779 , when it was desired to refer to Choiseul 's despatches relating to the Family Compact of 1761 , they could not be found and copies had to be obtained from Madrid .
12 Suddenly , to Tod 's glands , the world is a woman .
13 For a moment Ludens put his hands on to Marcus 's shoulders , holding him firmly , feeling the warm flesh through the shirt .
14 All of the actors , especially Hoffman , are nothing more than stooges to Peckinpah 's notions of perversity , degradation , and dung heap characterisation … this putrid , wholly offensive and nauseating snotball of a film … two hours of a running sewer disgorging human waste …
15 Indeed it says that it wants to hand its own computer business over to NCR 's managers , and has pledged not to close the firm 's factories or sack its workers as a result of the merger .
16 In Hong Kong yesterday the Group of Seven leading industrial nations said they wanted to give new help to Moscow 's reforms , but both they and Russia 's deputy premier stressed that future aid had to be tailored to win Russian hearts and minds .
17 Marcus then moved round and sat on the side of the bed near to Patrick 's feet .
18 These changes followed from recommendations set out by the Public Accounts Committee ( PAC ) in its Eighth Report of 1986–7 ( HC 98 ) Members said that they wanted documents tailored more specifically to Parliament 's needs in its consideration of departments ' expenditure proposals and put forward three proposals ( Cm. 375 ) .
19 The constable had responded to Joinville 's requests débonairement et … en bon manere , and had given him a knight as an escort who ‘ by his ordinance and advice expedited affairs débonairement' .
20 The severity of oesophagitis was classified into five categories according to Savary 's criteria : ( a ) Grade 0 : absence of oesophageal injury ; ( b ) Grade I : presence of few isolated erosions ; ( c ) Grade II : presence of multiple longitudinal or confluent erosions ; ( d ) Grade III : presence of Barrett 's oesophagus or columnar lined distal oesophagus , diagnosed by endoscopy when the squamous columnar mucosal function was seen 3 cm or more proximal to the endoscopic location of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
21 A spokesman for Kent police said yesterday that clothing from the body had been shown to Lisa 's parents and close associates , but he stressed the identity could not yet be confirmed .
22 Josey looked back at her in silence , then she reached across and touched her , causing the tears to fly once more to Lisa 's eyes .
23 They may send the middle children to Jessy 's parents in an attempt to get the eldest through secondary school .
24 Dupuytren 's disease arises in 36% of patients infected with HIV , and subcuticular fibrosis nodules with histological appearances similar to Dupuytren 's nodules have been reported in simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome .
25 The section does , however , apply to seamen 's canteens in virtue of the provisions of 5.45 .
26 The section does not apply to off-sale licences or to seamen 's canteens , seamen 's canteens being outwith the definition of licensed premises in s.139(1) .
27 the attaching or refusal to attach a condition under s.38(3) or 5.101(2) of the Act , the right of appeal being conferred on applicants and unsuccessful competent objectors who appeared at the hearing ( s. 17(6) ) , a refusal to affirm or declare final a provisional grant ( s.26(10) ) , the right of appeal being limited to the applicant , the making of a suspension order ( s.31(8) ) or a closure order ( s.32(7) , the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder ) , the suspending of a licence under s.36 where the licence-holder fails to execute structural alterations , the refusal to cancel such a suspension ( s.36(8) , the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder ) , the decisions referred to in 5.44 relating to seamen 's canteens ( the right of appeal being limited to the licence-holder or the applicant ) , the making of a restriction order ( s.65(8) ) , the right of appeal being limited to the registered club , or licence-holder concerned and any complainer who appeared at the hearing , the granting or refusal of an application by a public house licence-holder for Sunday opening at the premises ( the right of appeal being conferred on both an unsuccessful applicant and an unsuccessful objector ( Sched. 4 , Part I , paras .
28 This licence plays the same part in relation to seamen 's canteens as a licence granted under Part It of the Act in relation to licensed premises .
29 The forlorn street scenes that ornament front and back , in black and grey monochrome , alleviated only by the red-brown used for the author 's name and title , return us to Minton 's scenes of devastation of the early 1940s .
30 The exam has economic advantages that endear it to Whitehall 's purse-keepers .
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