Example sentences of "have only [vb pp] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although successful , Zarei has only received sponsorship from the sports centre where he swims , and recently from the American company Alena , which provides energy bars and drinks , but it was the state of his shoes which drew attention at Gateshead .
2 The Football League , for example , has only accepted shirt advertising and fu 11 commercial sponsorship in the last few years .
3 ‘ The county council has only limited insurance for its schools simply because of the enormous premiums which would be required to provide comprehensive cover , ’ he said .
4 The Chancellor may decide to encourage greater use of diesel : however , he has only limited scope for any price differentiation between DERV and petrol , for since December diesel has actually been 10 pence per gallon more expensive than unleaded petrol .
5 The problem is that the company has only limited ISDN capacity at the moment because of the way that it is implemented at telephone exchanges .
6 The twins point out that this conception of polysemy has only limited applicability , for it does not explain ambiguity caused by contextual factors .
7 Add to this the facts that each chief executive has only limited authority over many of his staff and that much of the finance of this complex body is handled by a separate company accountable to Parliament , and it might well be enough to make Lord Hanson heave or Tiny Rowland throw in the towel .
8 Since the analyst has only limited access to what a speaker intended , or how sincerely he was behaving , in the production of a discourse fragment , any claims regarding the implicatures identified will have the status of interpretations .
9 Firstly , Anne Seller 's paper argues that the view of knowledge as a correct description of the world has only limited application .
10 In 1982 BBC1 's ‘ Nationwide ’ covered Gay News ' tenth birthday , but in general the sharp end of factual programming has only given space to gay issues when they impinge on heterosexual concerns .
11 The commercial company created by Lord Burghersh to run ‘ Sporting Glory ’ and rent the facility went bankrupt , owing money to printers , the V&A ( it has only seen part of its £100,000 rental fee ) and , of course , the backers .
12 As many progressive ( but in reality reactionary ) politicians have recently been finding to their cost , greater freedom of opportunity , so far from furthering equality , has only stimulated emulation and the appetite for symbols of success .
13 Isabella does not know that the Duke had played the role of the Friar instructing her in the foiling of Angelo 's plots , and so , lacking any independent evidence , she realizes how feeble her case must seem ; yet she still affirms that But the Duke , behaving as Angelo had predicted , and as he would have to behave if he had no evidence , sweeps aside her complaint , leaving her with only heaven to appeal to : The evil is indeed finally ‘ unfolded ’ , not by heaven but by the Duke , although Angelo ( as if recalling that passage in Luke 's gospel ) ascribes divine omniscience to him : But the Duke has only used deception and disguise , legitimately , as Shakespeare makes him say : ‘ Craft against vice I must apply ’ ( III.ii.270 ) .
14 The Thurston Upper School pupil is a member of the Stowmarket Kyokushinkai Club and has only taken part in the sport for the past three years , progressing from third to runner-up to national champion at his last championships as a junior .
15 But SCAD has only got funding until the summer .
16 Returning to the All Blacks ' 11-match tour to Australia , the NZRFU has bowed to Australian pressure and loosened the grip on the Bledisloe Cup , for many years the symbol of Trans-Tasman supremacy , but which has only regained popularity in the last decade or so when Australia have been able to break the All Blacks ' hold on the Cup .
17 I 'd only gone part of the way when I collided with Dad .
18 If you bought six cans , you got one free , but she 'd only wanted tomato anyway and that was n't part of the offer .
19 It was incredible but true — incredible because she 'd only known Fen for a week — incredible because she 'd begun by disliking him — but true that she was in love with him .
20 We have been active with others in emphasising the vital importance of developing a more sustainable lifestyle in the run-up to the Earth Summit , though our efforts appear to have had only limited effect , judging by the attitude of our political leaders .
21 I 've only met kennel cough once and that was last year , when a dog belonging to a friend caught it after having been boarded out when she had to go away for a few weeks .
22 I 've only done blinking one tape , I wan na do three at least
23 Since leaving school I 've only played golf .
24 I can even slice it and I 've only played golf once .
25 We 've only had experience of two — that 's where the effect continues to build , continues to escalate , with continuous Darkfall strikes .
26 I 've , I 've never seen it , well I 've , I 've , I 've only had contact , I 've had these , this last set of contacts for about two years now , that 's why I want to get some new ones and erm
27 ‘ But I 've only had sex with one person , ’ you say .
28 who got babe , they 've only had car a month
29 They 've only got medium and large so .
30 So wherever I go I 've only got quarter of an hour .
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