Example sentences of "have been [vb pp] one " in BNC.

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1 But one or two MPs emerged from behind the public show of loyalty to warn that Mr Major has been given one last chance .
2 John Prescot has been given one of the key posts in the new shadow cabinet .
3 A TEENAGE ballet dancer who was shot by a thug has been warned one more performance could blind her .
4 THE Royal Bank has been voted one of the top mortgage lenders of the year by What Mortgage magazine .
5 Graham Tennant , 81 , has been writing poetry for a hobby since he was 10 and his poem Looking Back taking a humorous look at the Biblical tale of Sodom and Gomorrah has been judged one of the top ten funniest poems in a national competition judged by comedian Ronnie Corbett .
6 The Marquess of Blandford has been fined one thousand pounds for not paying taxi fares .
7 He has been refused one review already .
8 then it you know they might have been delayed one way or another .
9 Rain fell at Monaco — providentially for Prost , who was being pushed to the extreme by the young Ayrton Senna , and would certainly have been overtaken one lap later .
10 A word from Maud and he had been given one of the four coveted places as a dresser , which meant he had more chance to learn the great man 's skills .
11 On another occasion , after the sessions for the recording of Der Rosenkavalier had been completed one January afternoon in 1982 , I recall him rehearsing the Vienna Philharmonic in two works by Tchaikovsky , the Sixth Symphony and the Fantasy Overture Romeo and Juliet .
12 If its home clock said the time was 12.00 a.m. but the sun at the release site indicated 6.00 a.m. the pigeon would infer it had been moved one quarter of the way round the world to the west .
13 I knew that I should not be able to forget them again until the business had been resolved one way or the other .
14 B no erm the , the clerical erm staff on the erm , shall we say the traffic side increased a bit because er there was mo more and more demanding work but the ticket office , they went down , erm I have mentioned perhaps before that they had the two box system and there was about eleven , twelve , thirteen girls in there and their duty was to check a box that had been used one day , stock it up with tickets , get it ready for the day after .
15 After glasses had been refilled one of us — Tony , I think — said , ‘ Why do we just talk about it ?
16 He had been offered one interview , but had decided against it because , if he obtained the job , it would have meant travelling a long distance every day .
17 During the terrible retreat from Mons in late August , certain officers wrote home of their impression that their foot-sore infantry had been accompanied one night by a mysterious force of cavalry , of which no trace could be found next day .
18 For Theda had been woken one night , a few days after Mr Aycliffe 's visit , by Hector whining next door .
19 Sir — Both the government and the opposition parties have been given one clear ringing message by the voters in the election : that environmental issues are of little or no concern to them .
20 And it says You have been given one injection of tetanus vaccine absorbed and another of tetanus antitoxin .
21 Yes , as you pointed out we have been offered one hundred percent nomination rights to er , these equity share units the er , partners which members have shows as erm er the Environment Trust are a charitable trust , they 're not they 're developers , they 're not speculative developers .
22 Madam Speaker , this announcement is now almost a year delayed the firm of Coopers and Lybrand have been paid one point six million pounds to come up with this ass access charging fiasco , surely this house in entitled to the , as entitled as the press to a full statement of the government 's intentions so that they can be answered by .
23 At the same time , home working is on the increase , it 's been estimated one million people do paid work at home , seventy three percent of which are women .
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