Example sentences of "have not [vb pp] very " in BNC.

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1 So far , Brutus ' speech has sounded impressive but has not meant very much .
2 A recent exhibition of Mills and Boon front covers over seventy-five years of publishing demonstrates that the packaging of their company image , ‘ the rose of romance ’ , has not varied very much since .
3 The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from — or how the thing will be marketed .
4 She has not got very bad
5 The study of industry by economic historians has progressed apace , but the understanding of industry in its landscape has not advanced very far .
6 But the basic situation has not changed very much in twenty years .
7 Mahat et al. also show that the area of forested land has not changed very much since 1950 , although forest quality has declined as grazing pressure has increased .
8 And how were they to know that he had not wanted very much ? or was that to be his real pleasure ?
9 Since they had got in with this crowd , she had not felt very happy .
10 Incidentally they revealed that the Northumberland raiding , as well as failing to draw Edward from Berwick 's walls , had not achieved very much .
11 They had not gone very far when a great brightness showed over the mountains beyond the forest , and suddenly in front of them they saw a beautiful young man , all dressed in gold , with a scarlet lining to his cloak .
12 He had not gone very far when the mysterious little girl suddenly appeared again , from the dry gully of a mountain stream .
13 I had not had very successful relationships with people up to this time and I said no to him . ’
14 She had not planted very sensibly , she thought .
15 He had not got very much information but he had got all that she could offer , he was sure of that .
16 He had not got very far with Pilger 's list .
17 Out of all his questions asked in the line of the investigation , perhaps he had not got very much , although he was not so sure about that .
18 He had even gone to the Wimbledon police , but they had not seemed very interested .
19 Perhaps it was simply that he had not spoken very well , being new to it , and they felt that he was not up to their fine ways ?
20 In the 1680s the navy had not succeeded very well in its primary purpose of preventing invasions .
21 right , well we 've not got very far erm , what I wanted to do with you next week is going to go immediately onto this programme , which I promise I 'd let you see , and the first one is actually funnily enough
22 Er , we 've not used very much memory at all .
23 Labour mobility policies have not featured very prominently in this country .
24 The idea was to move away from an elitist and centralist view of things , yet it was to be a long time before such changes were implemented in the Government 's media , and it might well be argued that they have not progressed very far to this day .
25 He said : ‘ The problem this season has been that many of the sites have not fished very well at all .
26 Johnston said : ‘ Things have not gone very well for me at Everton and I spoke to the gaffer recently about it .
27 It is important to note that most campaigners have been working quietly in communities for years but despite this , attitudes on genital mutilation have not changed very much .
28 Drama , I have found nothing very difficult , music , I have not found very difficult .
29 Well , I think academics are quite good at resisting what they do n't want to deal with you know , so in many departments , it 's not had very much .
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