Example sentences of "have [been] for [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It 's also a relaxed , romantic ad for Bill S , more alive here than he has been for decades .
2 Since then , however , standard procedure has been for patrols to study photographs , names and addresses of suspects before leaving security force bases .
3 It 's all locked away , you know , Mr Michell , and has been for generations .
4 This process directly undermined the rule of law : ‘ such transference of authority saps the foundation of that rule of law which has been for generations a leading feature of the English constitution . ’
5 One method of reducing surpluses has been for companies to take contributions holidays ( although generally these are not extended to employee contribution holidays ) whereby they do not pay any contributions for a period of time .
6 Oil is the most versatile , flexible and valuable of the primary fuels and part of the process of improved use of energy over the past decade has been for users to switch to other fuels to generate heat , thus saving oil for the transportation and speciality uses for which there are no cost effective substitutes .
7 I knew there was something in the wind , has been for weeks .
8 She has been for weeks . ’
9 That is the way he conducts his business and that is the way it has been for centuries . ’
10 So it has been for centuries , yet the multi-petalled bloom of modern times , epitomized by the modern Hybrid Tea rose ( or , as it is abbreviated , H.T. ) and probably most people 's mental image of all that a rose is and should be , is a product of modern hybridizing and cross-breeding that did not exist even as recently as medieval times .
11 Architectural influence here is not notable since timber has been for centuries the traditional building material .
12 A strong and consistent recent trend in cinema advertising by major advertisers — as opposed to local stores and restaurants — has been for films to be more or less entertainment , as well as commercial .
13 In an effort to prevent this kind of accident ( which is almost always fatal for the tow pilot ) , the emphasis has been for pilots to keep their glider very low just after leaving the ground .
14 I 've heard it 's out for the Commie ( well , has been for years ) , and was wondering where I could get hold of a copy .
15 She will stay with the man at whose side she has been for years , Secretary of State James Baker .
16 According to Spicker , this debate is ‘ moribund and has been for years ’ .
17 And although entitlement caps are not easy to implement , there is more interest in them in Congress than there has been for years , and the interest is being communicated to the administration .
18 He 's his friend , has been for years . ’
19 It has been for years .
20 Charlie , is on his last legs , has been for years and , might as well have him put down , as that Nick keep saying , I think I 'll have to have him put down he , when he takes him for a walk he collapses .
21 The struggle for most of the centres has been for funds .
22 We duly went back to Sun , which claims there is to a deal , just like it said , has been for months and that it is moving lots of product .
23 " I feel worn out , much more than I would if I 'd been for miles on the moor .
24 However , the London season was almost upon them and she was more cheerful than she 'd been for weeks .
25 Father and son exchanged looks , in better temper with each other than they 'd been for years .
26 They were both drunker than they 'd been for years .
27 More than enough work for at least one such practitioner must have existed in most towns , as there would have been for slaters , tilers and masons in those areas where building stone was in regular use .
28 This may have been for meals during the day while living elsewhere , or perhaps it was to make existing accommodation there more adequate for his use .
29 Thus although the rating tasks performed in this study are not uncorrelated with the risk and accident estimates previously obtained for the stimuli from Study 2 there is no reason to assume that subjects were unnaturally concentrating on risks in the way they may have been for Studies 1 and 2 .
30 Yet this admission was not so grievous for Tate as it would have been for others .
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