Example sentences of "have [been] [vb pp] is " in BNC.

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1 Ian Slater Calverton 's U D M branch delegate says the speed at which the meeting has been arranged is another attempt by British Coal to reduce the review period which could give the mine a nine month life line .
2 What has happened because this problem has been recognised is that the police are having to go down there on a regular basis and actually stop people doing this stupid manoeuvre .
3 Now one of the auto-immune diseases that has been recognised is erm unusual baldness — it 's called alopecia .
4 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
5 Much has been written about this plant , but many misconceptions remain , partly because a great deal of what has been written is itself misleading .
6 So much of what has been written is of the doom and gloom variety .
7 The cold facts and figures of country houses and castles demolished in Scotland — over 400 this century — were described by John Harris in his introduction to SAVE 's 1980 report , The Lost Houses of Scotland , as demonstrating ‘ the awful scale of the Scottish calamity … the quality of what has been lost is mind-boggling . ’
8 Another area in which new technology has been developed is in the manufacture of dyestuffs used in the coatings of carbonless papers ( the Ciba-Geigy Pergascript range of colour formers ) .
9 The lexicon that has been developed is based on the vocabulary of a learners dictionary ( the OALDCE ) and supplemented by words from the LOB corpus .
10 Margetts is sure that the scientific and technological synergy that has been developed is real and extremely valuable .
11 The second important factor that has been highlighted is the need for progression .
12 Such research as has been done is touched upon in Chapter 5 .
13 Probably the only person really aware of how good a job has been done is the selector and the selector 's line manager .
14 The hypertext system for which the implementation has been done is the UNIX version of the Guide hypertext system , which is a product from the University of Kent at Canterbury .
15 The manner in which this has been done is most inept and we now have the situation where some sections of the 1988 Act are different depending on whether they are being applied to semiconductors or other designs .
16 The chosen method which has been implemented is described below , and became known as the ‘ backwards ’ , or ‘ inverted look-up ’ .
17 Whether or not this has been implemented is unclear .
18 The principal way in which the agricultural production of the crofts has been increased is through the improvement of pasture by fencing , planting shelter-belts , liming ( usually with shell sand ) , fertilizing and surface seeding .
19 Given this , the progress that has been made is remarkable , particularly in relating components of the ERP to attentional processes .
20 One recommendation that has been made is that there should be a ‘ decade of retirement ’ , between the ages of 60 and 70 .
21 However , such progress as has been made is in areas that are well defined in advance — which , by definition is not usually the case in the are a of strategic decision making .
22 It is submitted that whether or not an entry has been made is a question of fact for the jury to decide .
23 The fact that any progress has been made is remarkable .
24 ‘ The question as stated at the beginning of his argument by Mr. MacDermot was whether a tenant against whom a final order for possession has been made is a tenant within section 12(1) ( g ) .
25 Though the number of cases where a link between HIV/AIDS and child sexual abuse has been made is relatively small , the long-term implications can not be ignored .
26 The apportionment , usually expressed in percentage terms , operates with the same penalty as in the normal Tender , viz. that in the event that after Proof the party to whom the Tender has been made is found liable for a greater proportion of the claim than was offered to him , then that party becomes responsible for the Tenderer 's expenses from the date when the Tender was lodged .
27 The reason that that B one insertion has been made is to cope with the use classes order change .
28 The principal way in which the behaviour has been elucidated is by numerical solutions of the equations ; one starts with some initial condition for ( X , Y , Z ) and integrates forward in t .
29 However , everything you see and which has been understood is lodged safely in your subconscious and can be brought to the forefront of your mind should it be necessary to do so .
30 The mere fact that the idea of by-passing Parliament has been floated is an indication that the Government , in spite of putting on a brave face , is worried about losing to a combination of Opposition MPs and Tory Euro-rebels .
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