Example sentences of "have [been] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One exception has been Dean Hodgson , a neat and conscientious opener who has been picking up where he left off the season before last .
2 The Police 's long term answer has been Operation Overdrive .
3 His purge has been West Germany 's much-needed transfusion , as its 26,500 new citizens bring with them precious skills .
4 The most important exponent of this view has been Michel Foucault ( 1977 ) .
5 The most notable representative of the latter has been Michel Foucault , who has remorselessly continued the critique of totalizing forms of history and the disavowal of a general philosophy of history in favour of strategic ‘ genealogical ’ analyses .
6 Editorial director Anne Furniss approached the RHS with the suggestion for the new series ; project editorial manager has been Jane O'Shea , and art editor has been Ann Burnham .
7 Leading the effort has been Tadahiro Sekimoto , chairman of NEC , Japan 's fourth biggest computer company .
8 This time around , the star has been Nikolaj Hubbe , and he , too , will leave at the end of the festival to join NYCB .
9 An important influence here has been William Burroughs 's The Naked Lunch ( 1959 ) which abandons linear sequence in favour of smaller episodes often beginning with pastiches of other texts ( detective novels of the 1940s , film-scripts , etc. ) which are then broken down .
10 First founded in 1514 , the most famous pupil to date has been William Wilberforce , the slave law reformer .
11 The leading exponent of this theoretical approach in relation to the military-industrial complex has been C.W. Mills .
12 British Nuclear Fuels has been find £7,500 plus costs after admitting the unauthorized disposal of radioactive waste .
13 Okay finally , a third m major er class of ion channel i which has been extensively worked on over the last few years , since the advent of patch clamping er has been second messenger gated channels , so-called second messenger gated channels .
14 One of the most enthusiastic authorities taking up housing action trusts has been Liverpool city council .
15 It is clear that the proximate cause has been government action .
16 For instance , one important factor put forward to explain the growth of trade union membership among white collar workers in Britain has been government policy which created a favourable climate for such union expansion .
17 Over the past ten years it has been government policy to encourage this ( DHSS , 1976a ) .
18 Of the domestic borrowers , local authorities issued , in the years between the mid-1950s and the early 1980s , a large volume of stocks ( over five years to maturity ) and negotiable bonds ( from one to four years to maturity ) ; but in recent years it has been government policy to centralise most public-sector borrowing and as a result public issues by local authorities have all but ceased .
19 In this situation during anaesthesia the laryngeal mask has been life saving .
20 By far the greatest part of maintenance research developed by institutions of state for marginal areas has been soil conservation techniques ( outlined in Ch. 5 ) , which , as this book shows , have had to be imposed by colonial powers to be ‘ induced ’ at all .
21 He has as many centuries in the two-and-a-bit years that he has been England captain as he had in all his years in the ranks .
22 He has as many centuries in the two-and-a-bit years that he has been England captain as he had in all his years in the ranks .
23 The programme opens with While Shepherds Watched sung to the tune of ‘ On Ilkley Moor Bah't 'At ’ , and an interview with the man who has been Santa Claus to generations of children travelling on the Worth Valley Railway 's ‘ Santa Specials ’ : Jack Rowell , who lives on the railway in the Station House overlooking its terminus at Oxenhope .
24 But it has been in existence for almost as long as there has been detective fiction .
25 Its most striking answer in International Relations has been systems theory , which we shall examine in the next chapter .
26 In recent years it has been Ian Rush who has been the scourge of Everton but this time he turned provider to send the Israeli international through a dumbfounded Everton defence .
27 It has been Bill Heseltine more than anyone else who brought the royal family into the age of the photo-opportunity .
28 The stumbling block has been Stoke City 's half a million pounds compensation demand which the Parkhead club have refused to meet .
29 Joe was Limerick District President 1975–78 and has been Waterford District President since 1990 .
30 Ennis District Secretary since 1988 , John has been branch representative in several locations .
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