Example sentences of "have [not/n't] only get " in BNC.

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1 Seven years later , however , Christien has not only got over the pain but has used the experience to make him a better actor .
2 The crafty old devil has not only got his bird eating out of his hand , he 's managed to dig some up-to-date data on the border build-up out of him .
3 That means you 've not only got to economise in manpower ; you 've got to bring new technology to bear on the problem .
4 But you 've not only got yourself to think of . "
5 We 've not only got to say to the government , that you 're not coping you 've got to say , if you 're a mother , a worker and a wife , you 've got to say to your husband , look , I 'm not coping .
6 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
7 pulls you up do that goes that way , does that goes that way so you 're upside down you see , you 've not only got weight and gravity pulling you down you 've also got the thrust of the engine pulling you down as well , and the only way the helicopters going to be able to do it is by getting enough height so they can sort of drop like that and they start dropping and they can just pull it back
8 He said : ’ I reserve my position on that because I have not only got to find money for the welfare changes .
9 So it 's not only got to be done , that 's the problem .
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