Example sentences of "have [to-vb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 H I mean I 'm really talking about the high number of post sixteen special needs people Gail has , has to see that I mean they probably exist in other
2 The need to generate our own income has to continue but we are loath to keep asking our teachers and members for ‘ money ’ — so — ‘ please ’ perhaps all Area Organisers and QTs will consider organising enjoyable profitable events for the benefit of members and the Society during 1989 .
3 But if you 're in a situation where that 's not possible then you 'll do the very best you can , but you 're always going to be on the look out for the priorities as they change , cos once the person stops breathing they become unconscious , they stop breathing , their heart stops , then everything else has to wait and you have to try and get on with that , okay ?
4 Adams showed the authority and leadership you would expect from a defender who has won 17 caps at senior level but in World Cup terms the most significant performance came from Gascoigne , who cut out the asides and showed some of the tactical discipline he has to acquire if he is to make the most of his natural talent in international football .
5 There is another leitmotif in this funny , happy ballet , the precious red umbrella , Alain 's only love — or so it would seem — for it is the one thing he clings to and simply has to find when he has lost Lise .
6 Potential members must write to the relevant section ( or sections ) , and the BSIA 's governing council has to establish that they are recognised and effective businesses or trades .
7 It merely states that the normal and primary justification of any authority has to establish that it is qualified to follow with some degree of success the principles which should govern the decisions of all authorities .
8 This first kite has to work if you are to be satisfied , so our first tip is for you to be conservative , and select one of the tried and tested shapes that give least trouble .
9 The writer in us has to know that we are making it a priority , that we are prepared to let other obligations go in order to play with it , nourish it , accord it a central place in our lives .
10 approach , that 's why everybody ca n't , you know , everyone has to conform and it 's like
11 In terms of printer use , the librarian has to state whether s/he is using 1 ) Parallel ( Centronics output ) or 2 ) Serial ( RS423 output ) Most printers will be parallel and this can be easily checked by looking at the microcomputer .
12 It is to a degree , on the application form that each charity receives , it has to state whether it collects for people in the Oxford area , but not as a percentage .
13 Macari may find he has to sell before he can buy , so rebuilding could be a lengthy process .
14 The Tories are , wisely , keeping their boy away from most of the rough stuff — rightly recognising that such strengths as he has are in his niceness — but he has to look like he wants to win sometimes .
15 I was going to tell her about proper beef stock , but the girl has to walk before she can run .
16 Well , of course Gordon has the sort of Liverpool record which one has to respect and he is certainly not the man to argue with .
17 So if the female does n't want it and this one clearly does n't , she just sits down and if she sits on her pseudo-penis , there 's no way the male is ever gon na get into her , but in fact this is true er in , in general terms of er if you think about it a , a female quadrupedal mammal I mean it looks like male domination , the male mounts and it looks as if she has to submit but she does n't .
18 So they stand cheerfully by the carriage window revealing in loud voices the personal secrets of the wretched traveller , who winces as he realizes that he has to travel two hundred miles with a carriage full of strangers who know his family history , how prone he is to chills if he wears a damp vest , what he has to do when he arrives at his destination .
19 Yet for all this , more co-ordinated machinery still has to emerge and I confess to experiencing a certain sour taste of insincerity when I hear educational leaders talking about promoting a relevant and dynamic curriculum for primary schools , yet notice that they are hastening most slowly in providing the assessment policy needed to enable this to happen .
20 She wwent to the High Court in August and won the riught to sue for malicious falsehood , a rare procedure , which she says she has to use because she ca n't afford libel proceedings .
21 These are precisely the questions that the peace movement has to address when it contemplates the use of law and many of these aspects are discussed in Part III of the book .
22 Certainly anyone who tries to analyse English stress placement has to recognise that it is a highly complex matter .
23 This information would not be automatically collected from the request , but is essential in order to describe the person fully , and the retrieval process has to ensure that it is provided .
24 In fact , you do not actually need to price at that level ; the rival just has to believe that you will if it enters the market .
25 Every time a coach gives a lesson to a 5 or 6 year old child , he has to believe that he is giving a lesson to a future Wimbledon champion .
26 How could a man be sane who has to live as I do , hunting across the worlds for safety ?
27 The wider food industry now has to demonstrate that it is using all within its power to minimise the risk of injury to the health of the consumer .
28 Mrs Aquino now has to decide whether she should be magnanimous in victory or punish those behind the mutiny .
29 She has to decide whether she is prepared to carry on doing this .
30 He has to decide whether he should stay on pending a full trial of the bitter dispute between the two men , who stood side-by-side as saviours of the financially troubled club in 1991 .
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