Example sentences of "have [vb pp] to people " in BNC.

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1 I could tell you about the money he has lent to people and never got back .
2 They need to come to appreciate the changes that electricity has made to people 's lives .
3 In Wales for example where HSU 3 ( History Study Unit ( History Curriculum , England ) ) consists of the core unit " Early peoples , Celts and Romans " , on a museum visit or using material from a museum loan collection , the class might compare a flint scraper and the remnants of an iron knife blade , and look at the importance of the discovery of metals , and the differences it has made to people 's lives .
4 Badgers have got a name for being vicious creatures , but Teka has taken to people so well Maggie thinks she must have been hand reared from birth .
5 Of course since the shielings were here to provide summer grazing for their cattle , the villages must also have echoed to people splashing about in mud and dung , and laments of , ‘ Dad , I hate these smelly big things .
6 Tom Curran , deputy director of Wirral social services department , said : ‘ If , in the first place , we had said to people they did not meet the criteria and did not put their names on the waiting list , we would be in less trouble . ’
7 You 've got to people tend to forget that erm things you find easy before you knew how to do them you found them quite hard
8 You 've talked to people ? ’
9 Finance director Ian Wood said the threat of committal action had led to people paying up in advance of the action in 20pc of cases .
10 If we go back to that first , second slide , if you 're still alive in thirty years time , you may actually want the money that you 've gifted to people ten years ago , and erm that 's the problem you 've got .
11 My interest was in the players who had been forgotten — I simply wanted to know what had happened to people , ’ he said .
12 okay good point and that is that is a point , that you need to be clear about what you want to role plays on as good as the real thing you know but then again sometimes you know sometimes I 've listened to people saying well role plays are a bit harder than real life harder than real life why are we talking about being assertive now .
13 It 's new and it 's given to people who feel depressed .
14 After all , you have locked the door before starting your practice , and you have explained to people that your programme is not silent .
15 Since I have had my C.B. I have spoken to people all over the country and even spoken to people in Ireland and Germany .
16 Er I t I suspect that most of the tickets have gone to people who you know who who are who I know and have rung up er not It 's no good putting notices out , no nobody responds to that .
17 I am convinced that the one-to-one services whereby perverts phone women at night have led to people going out and committing acts of sexual violence against women .
18 The Prince chose a conference in Glasgow to highlight the problems of urban deprivation which he says have led to people living in impersonal , soulless areas , alienated from the rest of society .
19 Later having cut the ties and had a look at the will , he made another in which he repeated the legacy as follows : ‘ All the legacies I have left to people in the will which I have opened I want to be valid , and whatever is written in it . ’
20 I have chatted to people who I would n't ever have met if this had n't happened .
21 As far as Road goes though , we are in a dilemma , and we have listened to people .
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