Example sentences of "have [vb pp] in their " in BNC.

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1 Since then every Q.T. has received in their notes a red paper outlining the Grant Aid meeting also a letter containing a revised timetable in which you were asked to think about specific items .
2 Local authorities have a duty under Section 46 of the Public Health ( Control of Diseases ) Act 1984 , to arrange the burial or cremation of any person who has died in their area where it appears that no suitable arrangements can be made other than by the local authority .
3 Slaven added : ‘ Wark has figured in their drive towards the Premier League .
4 It is the specialized hunting behaviour of cats that has resulted in their improved hearing .
5 I merely note that other European countries have found an alternative way of living which , as it happens , for whatever reason , has resulted in their enjoying higher standards of living than on the whole do EEC members .
6 This renders them sterile and has resulted in their virtual elimination from the Southampton and Solent coastal waters .
7 The decision rests on a balance between helping individuals to come to terms with what has happened in their lives at difficult times , risking the possibility of taking them back through stressful and disturbing memories , and leaving the past alone , risking the possibility that counsellees will never come to terms with what is disturbing them .
8 For the past few years , however , much more non-bank capital ( in the form of portfolio and direct investment ) has flowed in their direction .
9 They also liked it — as did the other villages — for the spiteful inter-village competitiveness that lay under the seemingly innocent accounts of the Snead Women 's Institute going on an Easter outing to Weston-super-Mare , while the Quindale branch could only muster a local dried-flower expert whose crisp and solid arrangements , adorned with bows of florist 's ribbon , they could all have recognized in their sleep .
10 Most people would have keyed in their birthday as one of the few six-digit numbers — if you put a zero in front of single figures and for the months up to October and just the last two digits of the year — they can remember apart from their telephone number .
11 Very big and brave they must have looked in their new NATO camouflage suits , and absolutely dead they were when they were taken out of the vans .
12 Social liberals , like Booth and Rowntree , and Fabians , like Sydney and Beatrice Webb , may have differed in their views on the extent and the permanence of the provision of state welfare that they advocated , but shared an interest in what they saw as the factual demonstration of the extent of poverty which existed in what was still regarded as the major industrial and political power .
13 In addition , those general practices wishing to administer their own budgets will have included in their budgets a component to cover certain hospital-based treatments .
14 You have to ask yourself how you think you would have done in their place .
15 Hermione Lee is admirably judicious about all this , pointing out both that we have a perfect right to say things about a writer that we would not have said in their lifetime , and that ‘ to account for Cather 's fiction by reading it as an encoding of covert , even guilty sexuality is , I think , both patronising and narrow . ’
16 Most heads saw the quality of education as having risen in their schools due to devolution .
17 I could have spit in their eyes ! ’
18 It was cheaply designed , the kind that villagers would have used in their homes .
19 If anyone had told her that her granddaughter was on drugs she would have laughed in their face .
20 If someone had told her what was going to happen she would have laughed in their face .
21 Information from the French , American and Russian experts who helped set up Iraq 's air defences will have helped in their defeat or circumvention — a jammer which knows how the enemy radar ‘ thinks ’ has a great advantage .
22 Syl had left and Robert gone to bed and the old school friends were talking as they must have talked in their manless dormitory : my mother careful , Lili dashing .
23 Angela had always preferred old oak and mellow English fruitwoods to mahogany , and was attracted to country furniture because it was the sort of simple , practical furniture that ordinary people would have had in their farmhouses or cottages .
24 SOUTH AFRICA 'S return to Test cricket after 22 years was marked by a match as tense and as fluctuating as any they could have played in their former life .
25 And when you sat , trembling forgetfully , on one of the benches in the frosted gardens , with the grass like white hair standing on end , you felt you could hear the ghosts of the children 's cries and shouts — for here they must surely have played in their packs .
26 Structuralist variants of the Marxist tradition are characteristically informed by ‘ dialectical materialism ’ , however sophisticated they may have become in their onward development .
27 Two outraged parents were reported as having kicked in their TV screens at this .
28 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
29 Readers can be expected to spot which of these quotations are forgeries , and they must also have doubted in their time whether this writer was as good as the early tributes made out .
30 Even if we 're not gon na succeed it must have stuck in their throat that there was Jesus lying asleep .
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