Example sentences of "have [vb pp] of [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone has heard of stressed executives who suffer peptic ulcers and ulcerative colitis .
2 She knows a lot of men like that and has heard of more , but it does not reconcile her to having one herself .
3 EVERYONE who grew up in the Sixties has heard of Transcendental Meditation and its founder the Maharishi , the giggling Indian guru who guided the Beatles through their flower power phase .
4 General Holland M. Smith , USMC , has written of one Pacific raid that ‘ it was a spectacular performance by ( the ) 2nd Marine Raider Battalion but it was a pure piece of folly .
5 Thus Richard Dyer has argued of gay machismo that , by taking the traditional signs of masculinity and ‘ eroticising them in a blatantly homosexual context , much mischief is done to the security with which ‘ men' ’ are defined in society , and by which their power is secured' ( ‘ Getting Over the Rainbow ’ , 61 ) .
6 Lord Scarman has said of inner city riots that ‘ public disorder usually arises out of a sense of injustice , ( Scarman , 1986 : xiii ) , and as the Woolf report recognized , this is as true in prisons as it is in the inner city .
7 The Spastics Society , for example , has said of this proposal : ‘ We are deeply concerned about any assumptions that the public provision of care for disabled people can be in the main shifted to the private and not-for-profit sector without serious consequences for disabled people . ’
8 Frank Church , chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on multinational corporations , has said of these companies , ‘ No one knows how they operate , what their profits are , what they pay in taxes and what effect they have on our foreign policy — or much of anything else about them ’ ( quoted Morgan , 1979 , p. ix ) .
9 Nicolas Tredell has said of some New Accents contributors , ‘ despite their ostensible Gallic sympathies , they crash down on French jouissance like a ceiling-full of cold showers . ’
10 The inhabitants of the village … are annoyed and their property and persons endangered by a practice which has prevailed of late years of great numbers of persons resorting from Brighton to Patcham under pretence of a holiday on palm Sunday filling the Ale Houses and Beer Shop , getting intoxicated , becoming riotous and creating disturbances in the village street .
11 As a demob-happy Member of the House , may I ask the Secretary of State whether he realises the absolute shambles that he has made of Territorial Army recruitment ?
12 The lady Anne has talked of little else since she met you and would be overjoyed , I know , were you able in due course to come and live with us .
13 Mr Cox has thought of that .
14 I reckon that , that was a good id , I bet no one else has thought of that idea you know .
15 I wonder if she has thought of alternative means of transport ?
16 We all know someone who has cancer or who has died of this dreadful disease .
17 We all know someone who has cancer or who has died of this dreadful disease .
18 So what has become of that other bulwark of partition , the unattractiveness of the republic to its Protestant neighbours ?
19 This is not entirely unconnected to another feature of the economies of many Third World countries that has become of great salience in recent years , namely their foreign debt and the eff–ct that servicing that debt , particularly in times of rising and unpredictable interest rates , has on economic and social planning .
20 and the need for an ensured market for products is so important to recoup costs , that government contracting has become of crucial importance to the survival of large corporations .
21 Most recently national insurance , long regarded as ‘ a forgotten tax ’ , has become of increasing importance to taxpayers , and thus to their advisers .
22 Could you find out what has become of SHELLEYAN ORPHAN ?
23 Indeed , it has seemed of recent times , that all England needed to do to win in Dublin was just to turn up .
24 Animal research has proved of little value in the past and will continue to hinder medical progress in the future .
25 Fluorescence staining has proved of little value in meiotic analysis of the mouse , but in man quinacrine staining originally revealed that it was the non-fluorescent short arm of the Y chromosome which paired with the X at metaphase I of meiosis ( 8 ) .
26 This course has proved of great value to students with little or no knowledge of the ancient languages , especially those whose interests are mainly in English or other European literatures , or in art history .
27 ‘ If I may venture , ’ said Earl Robert deprecatingly , ‘ why should not the oracle that has spoken of two brothers be asked to send us a further sign ?
28 The forecast from Livorno has spoken of increasing winds and I laid out all the chain before we rowed ashore ( feeling curiously British and eccentric using oars among so many outboards ) for the pasta and wine we had been promising ourselves since mid-morning .
29 The IMF has spoken of fundamental weaknesses underlying an economy dependent for survival on aid and dragged down by graft .
30 It had first been established in 1979 , and was renewed for three years in 1989. * Evidence has emerged of continued " pirate whaling " in the south Atlantic .
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