Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adv prt] their " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps they have read or heard of some of the research which has been done in this field in recent years , and it has opened up their minds .
2 For example , some who have for years looked after a spouse may sometimes have deeply resented the way that this has taken over their lives , particularly perhaps if this feels forced by cultural assumptions such as ‘ appropriate ’ roles for women in the domestic setting .
3 A firm of Worcester solicitors has taken up their cause , and has now issued writs against the C&G .
4 Gresham ward councillor Barry Coppinger has taken up their case .
5 Er five minutes or so everyone should 've written out their questions .
6 They 'd been happy behind their cork and we 'd torn down their cover .
7 I imagined they 'd picked up their prisoners in sweeps of the town .
8 ‘ No wonder the men who 'd served out their time put their savings into market stalls and little businesses , tanneries , dye-works , gardens .
9 Though , doubtless , man has always been a jackdaw , a snapper-up of unconsidered trifles , the recognition of ephemera as a legitimate and respectable sphere of collecting is a comparatively modern phenomenon , its devotees now having their own Society and special sales organised by reputable auctioneers who not long ago would have looked down their noses at the trivia they are now , in the name of Mammon , glad to catalogue .
10 By January , the two republics would have drawn up their separate budgets , reports said .
11 Instead of standing stubbornly and heroically on the Right Bank , the French could have drawn back their hands from Verdun , which , since the dismantling of its forts , was in any case no longer such an indispensable defensive pinion .
12 Their grandmother , she said , would have washed out their mouths that instant with carbolic soap .
13 In truth this troupe did not receive the idolatry that his juveniles had aroused the previous year , but they must have pulled up their silk stockings because when they went on tour later one reviewer did describe them as :
14 Ruth felt sure that but for the presence of their parents they would have stuck out their tongues .
15 But surely at the beginning when you two came along , the record industry must have thrown up their hands in horror and said , Well you know this this wo n't sell you wo n't sell any records this this is finished .
16 By rights they should now be quietly decomposing in Manchester , having tried out their experimental rhythm rock surrealism only to discover that self-analytical dance with guitars could not really compete with belching ego-Mancs who wanted to be adored or abhorred .
17 Following it up with a barbaric dose of guitar pop like ‘ Kennedy ’ would have seen off any new-found ‘ fans ’ and old faithfuls would have welcomed back their indie darlings at the drop of a balalaika .
18 The Punan groups of northwestern Borneo may have taken up their lifestyle initially from demand for various forest products prized by the Chinese over 1000 years ago .
19 There has been , I think has put it adequately very well , that there are members who 've turned up really for no real reason but to speak on a minor item which members of their group could 've taken on their behalf , and therefore erm , I , I do support that we need to look at that particular issue , and I think that can be dealt with under the present chairs arrange arrangement without having to have permanent chairs .
20 THE wayward Marquis of Blandford and his estranged wife Becky had a blazing row yesterday … hours after they were reported to have patched up their rift .
21 The Titfords were more than lucky , in a sense , to have picked up their legacies from Benjamin 's will in that year , since the nation as a whole was suffering from a period of deep depression following a boom which had peaked six or seven years before .
22 In the absence of a convincing case for the defence , we would undoubtedly require that the Indonesian authorities be seen to have cleaned up their act and that the New Tribes Mission be put out of business in South America and perhaps worldwide .
23 Notice also that this generalised sale of securities by banks is likely to have driven down their price and therefore to have pushed up interest rates .
24 The tree has fruited quite well again , though it is too early for the fruits to have taken on their heady aroma .
25 But I mean it 's , now it 's coming to the end of January people are starting to get paid again and starting to have paid off their Christmas .
26 She was known to be one of the little ones who had filled in their colouring books irreverently , making our Lord 's beard purple , or even green , largely , to be sure , because she never bothered to get hold of the best crayons first .
27 But the ones who 'd found , you know , wondered about the stepping stones and then had plucked up their courage and then had got across safely , can you see how they would have walked down the other side ?
28 This survey revealed that 11 per cent of carers had given up their job to care .
29 All her life men had given up their seats to her , at point-to-points and tennis matches , their window seats in aircraft , their centrally positioned armchairs in balconies overlooking royal routes .
30 The roses had given up their annual struggle to keep things cheerful and now hemmed in Mr Rowse 's path with thorns .
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