Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [conj] there " in BNC.

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1 Billig ( 1987a ) suggests that this occurs when the rhetorical context has altered and there are different counter-attitudes to criticize .
2 Everyone has heard that there is a big buzz going around about one band or another , but what does that mean ?
3 By now everyone has heard that there is a ‘ crisis ’ in English .
4 New Times has pondered whether there would be such vehement opposition about sending ‘ our boys ’ abroad again if they were to be sent to fight for Iraq .
5 The interpretation of the requirement in practice has varied and there has been a tendency for some companies to understate rather than emphasise the significance of what they have done .
6 Has the Minister noticed the press reports that a member of the Ulster Defence Association inner council has claimed that there could be further cross-border attacks by loyalist paramilitaries — a report that was echoed recently by the Chief Constable of the Royal Ulster Constabulary ?
7 The World Health Organisation has recommended that there is no ethical or public health basis for mass testing .
8 WHO has recommended that there is no ethical or public health basis for mass testing , a view endorsed by most countries .
9 In its Final Report , the Criminal Law Revision Committee has recommended that there should be a full scale extension of the young man 's defence to cover men of all ages .
10 The wistful look back to the glorious and not-so-glorious age of steam has ensured that there has been a rush to print off books about the railwayman 's experience .
11 But now this much vaunted initiative has foundered because there is little or no market interest in redevelopment .
12 Over the past sixty years the buildings housing the scientific laboratories and teaching classrooms have been built up and the population of students and staff has grown until there are now nearly one thousand registered postgraduate students and over one thousand academic , research and support staff .
13 But a philosophical tradition stretching back to Aristotle 's exploration of the relationship between ‘ first substance ’ and ‘ second substance ’ in The Categories has seen that there are other ways of exploring the issue .
14 Robert Kidder has argued that there was no clash of values , but that on the contrary the attraction of the courts was that they were in theory able to pass down clear-cut and decisive decisions .
15 In a recent analysis of the garotting panic of 1862 , Jennifer Davis has argued that there was in fact no startling upsurge in crimes of violence which could justify the extent of the alarm .
16 Habermas has argued that there are essentially two different forms of rationality , and that these are intimately linked with different forms of action .
17 Regan has argued that there is an even more fundamental quality to be added to the variability , ambiguity , confusion and complexity outlined above , namely reciprocity .
18 Edward Thompson has argued that there was a change in popular sentiment in that after 1791 it was no longer possible for the " establishment " to pressure radicals by raising " Church and King " mobs against them and their property .
19 Heavy taxation was a major factor here , as various sources ( discussed in Chapter 5 ) are at pains to stress , and Dr Gem has argued that there was a recession in church building as a result .
20 The IWC has said that there is no scope for slaughtering minke whales for fear that they might be driven into extinction .
21 In the situations where the actor does not desire the result , but merely sees it as a foreseeable outcome of his conduct , the House of Lords has said that there is merely evidence from which the tribunal of fact can infer that he intends .
22 I recognise and welcome the fact that the Secretary of State has said that there is no such thing as a legitimate target anywhere , because once that concept is accepted , we are in effect saying that murder is proper in certain circumstances .
23 The Minister has said that there will be appraisal tests for the rail linkages in and out of it and their viability in return on capital , and so forth .
24 In addition to the human health implications , a professor of chemistry at Lancaster University has said that there could be 10 per cent crop losses of barley , beans and peas as a result of ozone depletion .
25 What I find very frightening is the campaign by Sir Thomas Hetherington in particular who erm as reported in the newspapers has said that there are er a handful , 3 or 4 people whom he has singled out , and he says the evidence is prima facie evidence against them , is so overwhelming that the law of England must be radically changed in order to bring a prosecution against them , and , as Lord Shawcroft said , well how , in such circumstances , could such people have a fair trial when we 've had the er Hetherington the former Attorney General saying , in effect , we know these people are guilty , we 're changing the law to prosecute them , and now you members of the jury must n't on any account er think er in er you must judge completely impartially .
26 The latest scientific research has revealed that there is a delicate interplay of hormones that affects our sexual desires .
27 A full survey by Southern Science has revealed that there is a lot of damage to the pond lining and a dangerously deep sediment in the centre which contained a few dead fish and some frog spawn , although there is very little oxygen left in the pond .
28 Indeed , archaeologists now believe it was due to agricultural mismanagement combined with a booming population , for investigation of a major palace in the site at Copan , Honduras , has revealed that there was only a small contingent of specialist workers employed in constructing the elaborate structure , in other words that this was not enough to overburden the economy as is sometimes alleged to be the cause of the collapse of that civilization .
29 They have come to their agreement , they have done their job well , and they have produced and excellent education system and the blip which he is talking about is one which is forced on us at the present time by a Conservative Government , who has decided that there is going to be no further expansion in the school service which we 're providing , and indeed is imposing upon us cuts which are going to mean that we reduce those services , and to argue that from a point of view that it 's a considered piece of policy from a Government which if I has introduced , if I may say , Poll Tax , an economy which is a disaster area , exports in nothing happening there , inflation
30 ‘ As you know , ’ he said uncertainly , ‘ the not-fully-late Lord of the Wyrmberg , Greicha the First , has stipulated that there will be no succession until one of his children feels himself — or as .
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