Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [prep] people " in BNC.

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1 Vocal opposition , such as it is , has come from people who are retired from public life , who have been purged or pushed to one side by the Ceausescu leadership , or who have been forced to make do with a moral posture on key issues , registering their dissent , but no more .
2 It has come from people who are well informed about the governors ' aspect of management , who know how to take the influence and information of parents into account and who , because they have taken part in one specific but widely shared exercise in adult education , have had the chance to understand and contribute to a wide field of public and community affairs ( Sallis 1988 ) .
3 I could tell you about the money he has lent to people and never got back .
4 They need to come to appreciate the changes that electricity has made to people 's lives .
5 In Wales for example where HSU 3 ( History Study Unit ( History Curriculum , England ) ) consists of the core unit " Early peoples , Celts and Romans " , on a museum visit or using material from a museum loan collection , the class might compare a flint scraper and the remnants of an iron knife blade , and look at the importance of the discovery of metals , and the differences it has made to people 's lives .
6 THE Rev David J Kerr , superintendent of the Belfast Central Methodist Mission , has called on people to ostracise the sectarian killers .
7 These models involve training users in skills needed for community survival , including medication management ( Eckman and Liberman , 1990 ) and attention has focused on people with long-term needs , and in involving them more closely in assessment and the selection of goals ( Liberman et al. , 1987 ; Shepherd , 1990a ) .
8 Well certainly at times of stress erm all sorts of things are revealed and that 's one of the reasons why the current situation and the anxiety and level of stress around has resulted in people feeling a whole range of things that perhaps has actually surprised them erm and therefore it 's not surprising that children are equally filled with all sorts of the mixed emotions about what 's going on .
9 Badgers have got a name for being vicious creatures , but Teka has taken to people so well Maggie thinks she must have been hand reared from birth .
10 Of course since the shielings were here to provide summer grazing for their cattle , the villages must also have echoed to people splashing about in mud and dung , and laments of , ‘ Dad , I hate these smelly big things .
11 ‘ He could n't have lived with people like Billy Bremner , Johnny Giles , Norman Hunter , Dave Mackay , Ron Harris and Nobby Stiles .
12 She knew perfectly well he 'd been trying to hide the fact that he 'd come alive as the streets had filled with people .
13 ‘ I 've heard of people being accident prone , ’ Harris observed after a while , ‘ but you seem to he murder prone , Melissa . ’
14 As we 've heard from people in this programme tonight , most of them start when they 're children or young adolescents
15 I 've heard from people who have visited Brussels that meetings were being cancelled because the British Delegation were not even members of the trade union , but looking at the structure of the works councils in the U K this is no wonder .
16 While they were talking in a corner , the room had drained of people .
17 She said that the complaints had come from people on the same estate who were ‘ really quite close ’ to the former rectory .
18 I think there will be a huge sigh of relief that the axe that had hung over people 's heads from December through 'til now has gone .
19 Tom Curran , deputy director of Wirral social services department , said : ‘ If , in the first place , we had said to people they did not meet the criteria and did not put their names on the waiting list , we would be in less trouble . ’
20 K. R. I 've moved on people sleeping rough — perhaps take him a hundred yards from the shop wherever he was — ‘ On your way .
21 You 've got to people tend to forget that erm things you find easy before you knew how to do them you found them quite hard
22 To reappraise the epidemiological findings reported by the Black Advisory Group concerning a possible excess of malignant disease , particularly of childhood acute lymphoid leukaemia and non-Hodgkin 's lymphomas , in the vicinity of the Sellafield nuclear installation , and to determine whether any excess of malignant disease had occurred among people aged 0–24 years in the area in the years after the Black report — that is , from 1984 to 1990 .
23 I read the reports of interviews the police had had with people who had been near the river at Chiswick , Barnes , and Hammersmith , on the night of June 5 — nobody had seen a drunk being assisted from a car , or a heavy bundle being carried towards a boat .
24 You 've talked to people ? ’
25 Finance director Ian Wood said the threat of committal action had led to people paying up in advance of the action in 20pc of cases .
26 If we go back to that first , second slide , if you 're still alive in thirty years time , you may actually want the money that you 've gifted to people ten years ago , and erm that 's the problem you 've got .
27 My interest was in the players who had been forgotten — I simply wanted to know what had happened to people , ’ he said .
28 The cemetery had emptied of people , the cold winds swept in from the sea and the still bare branches of the trees shivered like thin fingers against the dark sky .
29 ‘ I 've read about people giving MPs expensive lunches , ’ he said , with interest .
30 It could have been exam pressure we 've read about people like that at Oxford University .
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