Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Lewis has reneged six times to fight me , ’ claimed Bowe .
2 In recent years , the United Kingdom has attracted five times as much Japanese investment as Germany or France , which powerfully demonstrates that we have created the most attractive environment in Europe for investors .
3 And the column has come three times , each time in the late afternoon .
4 ‘ This telephone has rung four times in this house since it was installed in January , and the first call brought us news of the Glasgow Ribbon Society , the Fenian Dynamitards destroying the Tradeston gas-works in which my poor husband has substantial interests .
5 The Italian Team has won nine times in the past ten years , but this year the British Army Team ran them a very close second .
6 He has won 12 times on the European Tour and 17 times in all during his career and will always be remembered as the man who holed the putt to win the Ryder Cup at the Belfry in 1985 .
7 Martin Pipe has declared a powerful team for Monday 's Coral Welsh National , a race he has won three times in the last four years .
8 One gifted person is the 37-year-old Irishman Finbarr Nolan who has featured several times in the Scot-tish press as a result of his ‘ clinics ’ in Ayrshire and Edinburgh .
9 The manufacturing sector has grown 21 times in real terms since 1960 , increasing from a 17.6% share of the economy to 26.9% in 1991 .
10 In addition , the Japan-Scottish Business Club has met 4 times in SCDI 's office in Glasgow and 5 Scots have participated as guests of JETRO in Japan Study Programmes .
11 During the year since April 1991 , the Standing Committee of Convocation has met five times , receiving regular reports on the progress of CUCGA as well as dealing with Convocation affairs .
12 The Supreme Council , consisting of heads of state of member governments , has met four times to date ; it is the highest policy-making body and appoints the Secretary-General ( currently Helmi Mahmud Namar ) .
13 An offshoot , to enable voluntary bodies to prepare for the Earth Summit , has met three times and included a meeting with the Environment Minister .
14 Warlow 's claim that the Earth has flipped five times over 13,000 years implies a cosmic near miss every 2600 years .
15 He has written three times to Monika Kocanek ‘ deeply regretting the hurt I have caused ’ — and a mystery £100 has now been paid into her bank account in Bedford .
16 The funding of the Energy Efficiency Office in my Department has risen 10 times since the Government took office in 1979 .
17 In real terms , the funding for the Energy Efficiency Office has risen 10 times during the past 11 years .
18 In the past two and half years it has risen four times in real terms to pay for the publication of more and more glossy pamphlets such as the parents charter — party political propaganda produced at the taxpayers ' expense .
19 The number of cases of thyroid cancer among children in Belarus ( Belorussia ) has risen 100 times since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 , with the highest levels in the areas where radioactive fallout was greatest .
20 He has talked about TECs and has risen three times to intervene , but has declined to give the Government an ounce of credit for having established the TECs and for having taken that most imaginative step .
21 Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia has said many times : ‘ Come and see for yourselves .
22 My mother has said many times in our adult life that although she loved our father and should have stood by him , as far as Richard was concerned , ‘ she could not help herself ’ .
23 Since Mr Clinton has said many times that he will not send ground troops to Bosnia until there is peace , the protection he has in mind will presumably consist of air power , no more .
24 He has said many times that he does n't believe American public opinion will withstand the return of a lot of body bags .
25 As my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister has said many times , we should work as hard as we can in the heart of Europe to lead our partners away from the cause of Euro-dirigism and Euro-protectionism , which if allowed to develop under the influence of Madame Cresson and such people would render the entire Community less competitive in global markets and blight the prospects of the developing countries to the south and east of the existing Community .
26 As the Home Secretary has said several times , there is nothing illegal about that .
27 The Secretary of State has said several times today how proud he is of British Rail 's safety record — a pride which we all share — but that is surely no reason not to look again at the real doubts that have arisen in the past year about manning , the number of hours worked and the quality of some of the new systems of signalling that are being installed .
28 For some unknown reason it has moved eleven times .
29 Complementing it is the British Coal Yearbook which offers a written record of the season and which has expanded this time to embrace the seasons in France , Australia and New Zealand .
30 It has saved much time and effort in the long run .
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