Example sentences of "have [adv] seen him " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm afraid nobody has ever seen him in church .
2 Olsen has belief in frank , and has also seen him play U21 successfully .
3 No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him . ’
4 No one who continues to sin has either seen him or knows him .
5 Everybody is afraid of the phantom — but who has actually seen him ?
6 ‘ George is over four months old and my father has never seen him , so I ca n't tell you what he thinks , ’ he told Hello ! magazine .
7 It 's as if I 'd only seen him at twilight ; and now suddenly I see him at dawn .
8 At the US Open at Shinnecock Hills he played the best I 'd ever seen him play — probably even better than he was going to in the British Open .
9 Gurder looked more unhappy than he 'd ever seen him .
10 It was only towards herself that she 'd ever seen him act meanly .
11 Chief Inspector Kuhlmann put down the phone and looked at Kurt Meyer as though he 'd never seen him before .
12 Whatever the extent of his self-inflicted frailty , I 'd never seen him as good-tempered as he had been recently , or as nervously loquacious .
13 I was petrified ; I 'd never seen him like this .
14 I 'd never seen him so happy .
15 I 'd never seen him before in my life !
16 ‘ I 'd never seen him before .
17 That was a bit embarrassing — I 'd never seen him blush before — so I decided to have a joke .
18 I 'd never seen him in anything as soft-looking , as human as the pair of scruffy trousers , open-necked shirt and dressing-gown he wore then .
19 How I wish I 'd never seen him !
20 I asked him once why I 'd never seen him mentioned in any of the endless stuff about his movement , and he said he thought some of them had to stay anonymous .
21 He 'd always had the nicest smile , open and boyish , but she 'd forgotten the way his hazel eyes sparkled with greenish lights , perhaps because she 'd never seen him so tanned before .
22 I 'd never seen him so strange before . ’
23 Staring up at him , her stomach in knots , she thought she 'd never seen him look so frighteningly distant and patrician …
24 I 'd never seen him like that .
25 I 'd told her not to worry and that he was one of the lads , although I 'd never seen him before , and we were just waiting for her to go before we started the party .
26 She 'd never seen him before .
27 There was something about seeing him that way , first thing in the morning , dressed as she 'd never seen him before , in a cotton knit shirt and snug , faded jeans , that had made her throat tighten .
28 Okay you may not have ever seen him , he may just have been sitting in the car , then remember his colour maybe his moustache and then the type of car he had .
29 She had rarely seen him outside the context of the family .
30 It 'll be playing patience I 've only seen him doing " .
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