Example sentences of "have [adj] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were prints from some medieval Book of Hours that William had had framed and stuck up on the walls .
2 you might just as well have undercoated and put ordinary gloss on it .
3 The praise of Keegan and the criticism of Brown might have surprised and distressed earlier generations of gentlemen-amateurs but it was logical in its own terms ; if players wished to become rich , they had to sell themselves as well as their skill .
4 many school aims are expressed in very broad ( if laudable ) terms , such as ‘ to value all students equally ’ or ‘ to encourage students to have lively and enquiring minds ’ .
5 I mean you must , if you 're looking after a little girl , you must in the end , unless you 've low and detest children , or unless you 're out purely and simply for the money , I mean how can you
6 Patients with adenocarcinoma had smoking and drinking histories similar to those patients with severe oesophagitis .
7 So she judged him — she always felt impelled to judge Simon , measure him — he was a grabber , but then he had never had anything so far , and also he had daring and enjoyed himself so much , so very much , he loved the suppers and the singing .
8 The country had done quite well without it — it had industrialised and prospered with the use of self-made men of minimum education .
9 Within minutes he had unclipped and set up his ladder bridge and negotiated the crossing to the fire escape platform with his customary ease .
10 Two of them had died young , one of Lewis 's aunts had married and gone to America , the other two had remained spinsters , living as many unmarried women in the country used to do , in tiny cottages in the middle of a village , busy in a mouse-like way about parochial matters , having no youth , earning nothing , buried alive .
11 The reason for the puzzling way in which the structure had deformed and broken up was thereby revealed and , since the static tests had shown that the structure was not fail-safe , the separation of the stabiliser in flight was satisfactorily explained .
12 When Boswell , hearing his praise of it , said , perhaps enquiringly , ‘ You never ate it before , ’ Johnson replied that he had hot but did not care how soon he ate it again .
13 There were military reasons , too , for Julius Caesar 's choice of refounded Corinth as the site of a colony and the Roman capital of Greece , colonia laus Julia Corinthi : even in Caesar 's day , the Roman colonies had military or policing functions .
14 This is the same , in the same way that we had passing and receiving areas , of passing data from one part of a spreadsheet to another part of a spreadsheet .
15 Just to look at the cradle he had ready and waiting with its green cover there in the living room transported him , ‘ though it was only a hospital where she was lying and where I sat near her . ’
16 I remembered a banker friend of my parents who was on trial for having raped his twelve-year-old niece ; Father had tut-tutted and said , ‘ I suppose he could not help himself . ’
17 Mark , of Southport , Lancs , said he found wires in the flex had short-circuited and burnt out .
18 The wet hollows form receiving sites where conditions are reducing and anaerobic and the soils , principally gleys , have organic or humose surface horizons .
19 ( You can easily check that you have square and row one at the bottom left , by clicking on the pencil icon with the left mouse button and taking the cross pointer into the first bottom left square .
20 It is also possible to recognise a third sequence of general affinity : mosaics which have diagonal or rotated , linear arrangements , in the form of saltires ( e.g. pI .
21 A century ago it was considered to be as good as the Normande , and better as a butcher 's beast , but a combination of war and frontier changes led to its deterioration ; it was crossed with Danish Red as well as Belgian Red to form the Flemish Red , which is usually whole red , though some have mottled or blazed faces .
22 They work with children who have behavioural and/or learning problems in school , administering tests ( traditional IQ testing used to be a central part of the job , but it is becoming less important ) and designing remedial work in conjunction with teachers .
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