Example sentences of "have never [verb] of " in BNC.

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1 The factory inspectorate has never heard of their existence .
2 I think they thought , who is this bloke that keeps turning up for practices but does n't actually do anything and has never heard of the Who ! ’
3 It is natural for a person who has been working towards a survey for several months to overlook the fact that the respondent has never heard of this wonderful enquiry and may be utterly baffled by it ; but in this lies a great danger of asking poor questions , insufficiently considered from the respondents ' viewpoint .
4 Given that it has never heard of Snell 's law , does it have to go through some alternative process of computation to adjust its angle-of-dive appropriately — and if so , what ?
5 It could be argued that anyone who is idiot enough to send a cheque for thousands of pounds to a salesman of shares in unquoted companies he has never heard of deserves to lose it all .
6 If Jones has never heard of Tolstoy or read any of his books , it is meaningless to assert that Jones either likes Tolstoy as a writer or does not like Tolstoy as a writer .
7 People Howard has never heard of pick quarrels and pass out .
8 ‘ Mushy peas are described as the Caviar of the North , but the average Chinaman has never heard of caviar and thinks the ‘ North ’ is Outer Mongolia . ’
9 Wel it does n't get a great deal of publicity in the media , and of course we only circulate information about it to schools , so I 'm sure that the man in the street probably has never heard of it .
10 ‘ I 'd never heard of it before in relation to dogs but our vet was wonderful .
11 ‘ I told you I 'd never heard of him . ’
12 He 'd never heard of it .
13 ‘ They did n't want to admit they 'd never heard of him .
14 I spent the night thankfully unaware of the marathon needlework going on in my chest and drifted back late in the morning to a mass of tubes and machines and techniques I 'd never heard of .
15 He played me a record of some Stockhausen , whom I 'd never heard of . ’
16 The local man said he 'd never heard of such a thing .
17 Well , I 'd never heard of Lloyd 's . ’
18 I 'd never heard of Eternity before , nor had anyone I knew .
19 I walked into this little club on the highway and I 'd never heard of them before , but there was this great , white blues band .
20 Report by Ms de Meaner Aside from Katie Mallett who , early on , informed me she would n't be entering this comp ( she 'd never heard of Summerhill ) , most of the regulars entered .
21 Even with no lesbian volunteers , some women continued to call ; women who 'd never heard of Lesbian Line , women who could n't call during the hours they were open , women who 'd swallowed media distortions of separatist groups , women who preferred the service or needed information Switchboard had .
22 John , 39 , found the record haul while renovating a Liverpool house and dumped them ‘ because I 'd never heard of Larry Lurex ’ .
23 He 'd never heard of Vecchi and was n't interested in finding anybody by that name .
24 ‘ They 'd never heard of me , surprisingly enough , but they went mad over my work and asked me to do some portraits for them .
25 I 'd never heard of it before , yet it 's so easy to catch — I got it purely from food .
26 Because er as far as I 'd concerned I 'd never heard of air raids before hand you know , know I had n't and I was , as I say , I was only nine and a half I know but er , I did use to speak to a lot more people than most , er lads of that age did like , you know .
27 ‘ I rang up Scotland Yard to tell you something this morning , and they 'd never heard of you . ’
28 Social ostracism followed outbursts of silliness , hubby drank a lot , did n't hit her often but did bad-mouth her excessively , and took up fishing ; went away for weekends with male friends she 'd never heard of , Claimed to be tackling rivers but kept bringing home filleted sea fish on the Sunday night , and was always suspiciously careful to empty his pockets when he gave her his clothes to wash .
29 ‘ And , for your information , I 've long wished that I 'd never heard of you — or your wretched grandmother .
30 I 'd never heard of work till that moment , and there I was thinking of myself dressed in trousers and sitting at a desk with a ledger .
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