Example sentences of "have take [pron] place " in BNC.

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1 Replacing them at a familial level , the spice-box has taken its place , sometimes simple , sometimes ornate ; a witness to the fragrance of that Sabbath grace that lingers still .
2 The Zurich Festival in June has taken its place among the mos highly regarded events of its kind in Europe .
3 Anglo Toronto is fading fast and a new multicultural city has taken its place .
4 After the battering , the plane is undergoing minor repairs at RAF Lyneham Another aircraft has taken its place .
5 Cycle triumph : The bicycle voted Best Bike of 1993 at the Harrogate Cycle Fair has taken its place at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum , Cultra , alongside some of its illustrious predecessors .
6 If a higher proportion of pensioners are now in the top half of the distribution , who has taken their place in the lower half , and why ?
7 Many of them often feel that baby has taken their place .
8 The British driver , whose Formula One career ended in acrimony when he failed to agree new financial terms with Williams , could not resist a jibe at old rivals Senna and Frenchman Alain Prost , who has taken his place at Williams .
9 I am sorry we have taken sometime to respond to this consultation paper , but it has had to take its place in the queue !
10 She said : " I felt at an earlier stage there were enough moderate Africans who could have taken their place alongside whites in government and there would have been much more evolution towards African leadership than the revolution that came about in the end .
11 It should have taken her places , do n't you think ? ’
12 You came in like a maniac , moving against the flow of traffic , and you 've taken my place ! ’
13 The GIs had moved out years earlier , and Latinos and a few Asian former warriors from Vietnam and Cambodia had taken their place in houses that were built cheaply to last a short time .
14 Where selectness and restraint had reigned , boisterousness and laughter had taken their place .
15 But in dislike of the young usurper who had taken her place , memory of the nastiness in the hall , and pity for the wee lass , Bridhe kept her secret .
16 Since Ethel had left , no one had taken her place .
17 Hetty , who had taken her place in the shop , told Anne that two of her brothers who were Reservists had been called up .
18 He had taken her place at the eyepiece of the instrument .
19 Perhaps she had not been there at all , in the street , but a phantom instead had taken her place , looking like her , feeling like her inside too , but not her , for she , Rosa , had been in her bed , dreaming .
20 She had reminded herself that once or twice recently Miss Poraway had n't been able to come because of her nasal complaint , and Mrs Blackham , who was at least efficient , had taken her place .
21 Hopeless lethargy had taken its place .
22 As he grinned and pulled her towards him , kissing her in a gentle , careful , comradely fashion on the forehead to seal their agreement , she knew that her crush on Dr Tom Russell was over , and something else — something better and more real , she hoped — had taken its place .
23 The new opiate of the people , she jeered ; now that religion had failed , TV had taken its place : the gods and goddesses of the new world were the stars and staresses of soap : the bosses ' latest plot to keep the minds of the proletariat addled .
24 George Barker had taken his place in 1940 but had escaped to the United States before Pearl Harbor , for he had been followed everywhere by the ‘ thought police ’ , the sinister kempeitai , who suspected him of being a communist spy .
25 The dog Ben and the cat Wolsey had died , but another cat called Mingo had taken his place .
26 Glyn 's father had retired two years ago and now Glyn had taken his place , working with Ned Clarke , who had been her mother 's solicitor , a rather dour , calm-faced man who always slightly worried Jenna .
27 They had to take their places on a enormous swing ; once seated it was lowered from the flies until the audience could only see their legs as they went through their act .
28 Naturally , Hannah had to take her place on the Baldersdale treadmill , working to the orders of her uncle in the fields ( her father died when she was an infant ) and assisting her mother in the kitchen and wash house .
29 On the Thursday Luis Mendoza pulled a groin muscle , so Luke had to take his place .
30 He , who had been fêted in Munich , had talked with the elector and other noblemen , and been treated with the respect due to a great artist , now had to take his place in the archiepiscopal pecking-order — below the valets , and only slightly higher than the cooks .
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