Example sentences of "have know [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 What is documented in the book is what everyone in sport has known for years — that the use of steroids has been widespread in many sports since the sixties .
2 He knew it was wrong , but it is the first experience of real love and tenderness he has known in years .
3 They 'd known for weeks and stayed by me , anxious when I was out of sight , whining in the daytime when they never used to .
4 Surely there was no harm in this , just sitting here in her car with David Markham , a man whom after all , she 'd known for years .
5 Nevertheless Fraser McLuskey 's account of air crashes does suggest that the Maquis or the local French population in general would soon have known of planes which had come down in their territory , and that the Germans , when told of wrecks , did in fact bury the crews in identifiable graves .
6 They must have known for weeks .
7 I 've also taken the therapy techniques I 've known into women 's groups and they 've adopted methods of having a dialogue in the group and stuff shifted in the group like lightning .
8 ‘ I 've known for ages there was something going on .
9 Some of them are sons of friends I 've known for years .
10 People I 've known for years .
11 On this first video , Mr Colbeck guides you gently through the workings of an array of popular home studio gear ( including the Fostex X28 four-track cassette recorder and the Alesis Quadraverb ) with the friendly manner of a family doctor you 've known for years .
12 I 've known for years that I 'm as good a guest at a dinner party as I am a lousy host .
13 You 've known for years he was devious , and he 'd never actually fallen over himself to be nice to you , had he ?
14 People let their guard slip when they 're travelling ; they 'll tell you things they would n't say to a neighbour they 've known for years .
15 I 've known for months that … that what I feel for you is special , very special .
16 As the DTI had failed to act when it had known of irregularities within the firm , did not the Government have a moral obligation towards the dupes ?
17 Anne Nielson was an extraordinary woman , as he had known for years .
18 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
19 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
20 on long , summer evenings ) and quite another to go up to a girl , even one I had known for years and actually do such a thing .
21 He realized afterwards that he had known for years , that there were a hundred fine details that he had chosen to ignore about her behaviour , her phone conversations , the times of her comings and goings .
22 On the other hand , he said ID cards were ridiculous and confirmed what fans had known for years that they were ill- treated by uncaring clubs who were allowing grounds to fall into disrepair .
23 When my father arrived in Abyssinia in mid-December 1909 to take up his post as British Minister in charge of the Legation , the Emperor Menelik , the greatest ruler the country had known for centuries , was reported to be still alive ; but no one knew for certain , and all men asked what would happen when he died .
24 The Left watched those they had known as leaders of the 1917 revolution admit to being " fascist agents " , and to " habitual and base betrayal of military secrets to a certain hostile fascist power " .
25 Thin husks I had known as men ,
26 Geologists have known for decades about ‘ natural fission reactors ’ in very ancient rocks at Oklo in Gabon , West Africa .
27 The scientific world is beginning to discover what metaphysical teachers have known for centuries , that our world is not composed of any matter at all and that its basic component is a kind of energy or force .
28 The pits where the birds have buried their eggs are quite easy to spot — as human predators have known for centuries — by the slight mounds left by the birds at the surface .
29 But lay people can also make good directors — perhaps someone you have known for years , or , say , your house group leader .
30 It 's only in the last few years that everyone has begun talking seriously about fibre in diet , although those who have always eaten a breakfast that includes all-bran have known for years about the virtues of fibre .
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