Example sentences of "have make [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And after the rescue drama at The Butts flats , on Runcorn 's Castlefields estate , Darren says the taste of part-time firefighting has made him even more determined to earn his retained fire officer status .
2 And if Derry succeed , he will murmur a silent but heartfelt ‘ thank you ’ to Kevin Heffernan , the man who gave him a new outlook and sense of purpose in the sport which has made him both a local and national hero .
3 He says metering has made him more conscious about the water he uses .
4 body weights , has made him really keen , like , he 's quite tubby , is n't he ?
5 Johnson also enjoyed catching sight of ancient texts in Aberdeen — a Hebrew manuscript ‘ of exquisite penmanship ’ , and ‘ a Latin translation of Aristotle 's Politicks by Leonardus Aretinus , written in the Roman character with nicety and beauty , which , as the art of printing has made them no longer necessary , are not now to be found ’ .
6 But feminists ' preoccupation with subjectivity has made them particularly interested in Lacanianism .
7 The difficulty , however , is that competition for components has made them increasingly price-elastic and thus sensitive to exchange rate movements .
8 A string of sensational stories has made them deeply unpopular .
9 The increased competitive pressure experienced by many US and UK companies as a result of the Japanese emphasis on reliability and the inclusion of ‘ extras ’ in basic models has made them much more aware of the need to pay attention to quality .
10 In practice , however , it cuts across a web of internationally-agreed tax rules at a time when growing co-operation among tax inspectors around the globe has made them ever more effective .
11 The gardener of the family is the Queen Mother , whose gardens at her Scottish hideaways , the Castle of Mey and Birkhall , are stunning , and it is she who over the years has made them so .
12 And they 're sure it 's this attitude that has made them so successful .
13 The present squeeze on resources of all kinds in CMEA economies has made them so taut that the short-term consequences of market-orientated measures ( inflation , unemployment ) are bound to be sharp and widespread .
14 Recently , however , a nasty combination of wobbly stockmarkets , plunging property prices and a fragile domestic banking system has made them more cautious .
15 The theologians ' determination to rest their faith on something more secure than history has made them more than willing , in many circumstances , to accept that the historical evidence of Jesus ' life is as patchy as the most sceptical secular historian says it is .
16 Inevitably the introduction of money into their economy has made them more materialistic , and they 're not quite as open with tourists as they once were .
17 I do n't know who likes Kylie , who has made her so popular ; I do n't think it 's boys , or girls my age .
18 ‘ This business has made her really jumpy .
19 Very significantly , it is on this side of the divide that the Church has made her home ’ ( Guinness 1983 : 76 ) .
20 ‘ We have every reason to believe , ’ said Prior Robert , awesome in his silvery indignation , ‘ that the saint has made her home with us .
21 But as the writer Patience Gray , who has made her home in the Mediterranean , points out : ‘ Pounding fragrant things — particularly garlic , basil and parsley — is a quite tremendous antidote to depression … it produces an alteration in one 's being — from sighing with fatigue to inhaling with pleasure ’ .
22 Now a widow , Mabel has made her home in the compact whitewashed building , tucked in one of Whitby 's historic yards .
23 Although Joanne clearly loves her daughter very dearly and feels that having her has made her more responsible , she spends relatively little time with her .
24 Watching the lions feed has made me rather peckish . ’
25 So far , it has made me reassuringly hoarse as TML , the builders , and Eurotunnel , the operator , blame each other for the problems that have arisen .
26 In another way , which I might tell you of shortly , it has made me damnably unhappy .
27 Your chauvinistic behaviour has made me late .
28 A lot , Being a mother has made me less selfish .
29 I have nothing but admiration for those hardy woodturners who have put the clock back a few hundred years and are making furniture with their pole lathes , but it has made me more than ever aware that the wood lathe has changed very little over the years .
30 ‘ This honour has made me more determined to continue with my work , ’ said Annette , 46 .
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