Example sentences of "have say that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Previously , the Minister has said that we still have a surplus of dairy products , which is true , but there is not a steady weekly or monthly supply of milk .
2 Indeed , the Secretary of State for the Environment has said that we should remove the county council layer of government and move down to all-purpose districts , the size and boundaries of which have yet to be decided .
3 Councillor has said that we have , that his group do not believe in the testing of seven year olds .
4 But erm she said she has said that we could do this and she said that 's fine , she said .
5 ‘ It 's the Iti 's turn to have a go at us tonight , Hitler has said that they may have a good go at us , as a reward for their help to him . ’
6 Even Senator Malcolm Wallop , one of the staunchest advocates of laser battle stations , has said that they will not be the ‘ ultimate ’ weapon .
7 We have to respond to these developments and it is being made clear now in public , that the Health and Safety Executive are giving every indication to employers that they are not going to rigorously enforce the law and indeed in the local authorities a leading figure there has said that they want to take a softly softly approach .
8 Why in in that case do you think that Sir Nicholas and he he he 's not stupid , I mean he 's a career politician , he 's come out and said this his wife has said that they 're both smiling on the front page of the newspaper at the moment and they go on to say it 's not fair on a man if a women undresses and then changes her mind .
9 Now every opinion poll in er Britain for the last twenty two years has said that they believe that has shown that the people believe that the troops should not be in Northern Ireland .
10 And it appears from what the county council has said that they are they 're not necessarily opposed to this sort of development that we 're we 're looking at here but that er the case would have to be proven as an exception to normal planning policy .
11 Mrs Heseltine has said that she and her husband talk things over endlessly : ‘ I want him to succeed , but I do n't want it for myself .
12 The Prime Minister has said that she is ‘ determined to encourage cable systems ’ .
13 The latter has said that he could not necessarily turn a blind eye to this … especially if there were complaints from other parties ; as you are well aware the commission have the power to seek repayment .
14 But Mr Ashdown , who is demanding a full-scale coalition , has so far rejected anything that Labour has offered , threatening to vote against a Queen 's Speech that does not include a commitment to electoral reform ; and Mr Kinnock has said that he has made no overtures — not even played the ‘ opening chords ’ — which would lead to a post-election pact .
15 Steven Isserlis has said that he needs ‘ a safety net not to have to worry whether I 've ever played this or that bar properly during the session and also someone who knows the kind of musical personality I am and whether I have covered a particular stretch of music the way I would want .
16 Ben Hogan has said that he wished he had learned the importance of left forearm rotation earlier in his career , as it became one of his keys in his later years .
17 Meanwhile , Dustin , who has said that he envies pregnant women , followed a natural childbirth course with Anne , doing all the exercises she did .
18 Vic Williams has said that he left his regiment only after concluding that he had no other option remaining ( at no time prior to his decision to leave was he made aware of his rights as a soldier to register a conscientious objection to military service ) .
19 Commenting cautiously on the present situation for the newspaper Kultura , the Chairman of the Archaeo-Geographic Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Academician Sigurd Schmidt , has said that he is convinced that a library belonging to the Muscovite sovereigns does in fact exist , and that , wherever it may be located , it will be possible to find at least fragments of what is left .
20 Mr Levin has said that he will seek to reduce debt by selling off $3bn of non-strategic assets .
21 According to a recent report in the New York Times , Castelli has said that he wishes the archives to be fully accessible to the public and that if this were in any doubt he would donate them without charge to the Smithsonian Institute 's Archives of American Art .
22 He has said that he wrote his second novel to say , ‘ Up you , Charlie ! ’ to those who had told him that getting out one book was easy .
23 The Secretary of State has said that he wants a national health service that is well informed of people 's needs and preferences .
24 Does he agree that British people should be told that if the Labour party were in control and there was a nuclear attack on Britain , there would be no response because the Leader of the Opposition has said that he would not push the button ?
25 My hon. Friend the Parliamentary Secretary has said that he will always defend the Department 's policies in this House ; he will do so whenever challenged to .
26 That has been contradicted by the hon. Member for South Shields ( Dr. Clark ) , who has said that he would take money from British farmers with one hand and give part of it back to them with the other .
27 That is what the right hon. Gentleman has said that he would do if he were Prime Minister .
28 As I understand it , the Home Secretary has said that he means to cut down on exceptional need to remain .
29 May we take it from what he has said that he is saying definitely that he would be prepared at Maastricht to make an irrevocable commitment to a single currency ?
30 Although he has said that he is not in favour of that , he would nevertheless still keep them if that was NATO 's decision .
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