Example sentences of "have do [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The significant point is that the LDDC has intervened to help out developers of retail , housing and office projects , but has done little for existing local firms and businesses .
2 BBC Network Television director Will Wyatt said : ‘ Jonathan has done one of the toughest jobs in television for longer than almost all of his predecessors . ’
3 Cleese is someone who has done one of the most difficult things in a public life — assessed his own worth without false modesty .
4 It has done more , for example , for the understanding of music by ordinary people of this country than any other organisation , including the Arts Council ’ — this was a generous admission from the then chairman of the Arts Council — ‘ and it has done much for education and a great deal for general culture .
5 free to come and go and er there is a contribution that 's held at the back , but here in , in the talk it 's highlighting their various ways , this is one of them that we can keep spiritually awake is by being aware of the need for financial contributions , Jehovah has done much for us through his organization and we can show love for him by full support with our time and finances and then another one look stay awake by showing love to you and act loyal sometimes it 's easier to show love to some in the congregation than others , we naturally have an affinity for one another and certain types of personalities seemed to gel with others do n't they ?
6 The initial conference which launched it at Mombasa in 1968 produced a thoughtful and influential document which has done much on its own to stimulate interest and activity in social studies teaching and curriculum development .
7 The problem of the assault course of whether she 's actually fitted in in three months , anyhow that 's what we ought to write that in , but er , she travels , she travels most weekends playing hockey for Yorkshire , and has done that for four years , and she 's all over , where were you ? ,
8 The Company has done this with resolve and dedication and produced a creditable performance , not only in preserving its ongoing business , but also in strengthening its base through acquisition . ’
9 In many such cases the evidence created by the satisfaction of the criteria is defeated by other evidence ; for example , we see him wincing and holding his stomach , but we know that he has done this at this point in the play every evening this week , and hence we are not justified in believing here what similar evidence of the same sort would perfectly justify elsewhere .
10 ‘ Constance has done this on the rebound , ’ Nora continued .
11 Since the 1979 Banking Act it has done this by licensing institutions to take deposits and requiring regular statistical returns from such institutions .
12 It exists in three forms : expertise from experience ( ‘ I am the only one who has done this before ’ ) ; expertise based on knowledge ; and expertise based on a particular skill ( e.g. the surgeon , the programmer , the writer , the foreign exchange dealer ) .
13 Eastern Germany aside , the rest of Eastern Europe has been economically timid , and the Soviet Union has done next to nothing .
14 As the man who has to do most of the negotiating on single market measures , I know that there is still a long way to go .
15 un unfortunately he has but , you know , and James goes , he goes God that really does n't sound like Sal , I really would n't have thought he would 've done that to you .
16 ‘ I had a call from 20th Century Fox — I 'd done Sleeping With The Enemy for them — and arranged to meet the director in Atlanta .
17 Referring to complaining neighbours the Hanleys she said : ‘ I just do n't know how they can sleep at night next door because I could n't , knowing that I 'd done that to someone . ’
18 If he 'd done that in the last erm , he 'd have won it .
19 And if you 've got a c country 's stamps they collect the whole lot , you know , they do n't just collect they collect the whole range all in one f And she 'd done this with her furniture .
20 Oh , good child , she teased herself , if only you 'd done this at school and art college , you 'd have got a first .
21 When I saw her crying , with her neck all swollen , I wanted to lash out at the doctor who 'd done this to her .
22 She was good at heads — she 'd done several of us , from memory .
23 Whereas you 've had to do that at Salisbury Park you see ?
24 A quick examination put her at ease but may have done little for her embarrassment ; the culprit was a misplaced liquorice all-sort .
25 You know , I should have done four by tomorrow .
26 Mrs Cresson 's appointment may have helped the Socialists somewhat but can not have done much for the Communists .
27 Straw Dogs managed to attract enough blood seekers to put it into the black at the box-office , but this disturbing tale of rural atrocities can scarcely have done much for the Cornish tourist industry .
28 ‘ I suppose I might have ended up bowling up the hill into the wind at Headingley , and that might not have done much for my prospects , but generally the policy change was inevitable , and I am glad it happened . ’
29 The inclusion of a Tallmantz B–25 cameraship would have done much for both the dogfights and the other air-to-air formation shots .
30 Sprawling at his feet would not have done much for her dignity .
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