Example sentences of "have for this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , unless money is not a consideration you will perhaps feel that at its much lower price the DG issue with Frantz and Eschenbach is the one to have for this repertory .
2 Robyn , doing her best to ignore the almost overwhelming feeling of pure dislike which she had for this man , glanced at the ornate carriage clock beside the bed , registered the time slowly and looked aghast .
3 The subsequent dismemberment of Inca society showed the faint enthusiasm the Spaniards had for this opportunity , yet it was such an idea which had given the term ‘ mestizo ’ a dignity beyond its racist translations of ‘ half-breed ’ or ‘ half-caste ’ .
4 How little reason they had for this view we shall soon discover .
5 Furthermore , the best map I had for this region was twenty-two miles to an inch .
6 Former Tory Cabinet Minister , leading constitutional expert and friend of the Royal family Lord St John of Fawsley said last night the announcement ‘ must mean a change in the role of the Monarchy because they have for this century , and indeed the whole of the last one , been held up as an example of model family rectitude .
7 Erm , I work for Scottish Women 's Football and the plans we have for this year erm , shall hopefully encourage more women to come into the sport .
8 The accounts that you have for this year , have been rearranged .
9 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
10 Yeah erm the amount of police necessary for each area is based on all sorts of statistics , and for the statis statistics that we have for this area , we have or the chief constable 's decided that he 'll allocate a hundred and two police officers to police this area , which we find adequate .
11 The basic figures we have for this emigration — 100,000 prisoners of war brought from Palestine into Egypt by Ptolemy I ( Aristeas 12–14 ) and 1,000,000 Jews in Egypt at the time of Philo ( in Flacc. 43 ) — are almost certainly both false .
12 The have for this thing for this one .
13 Even when there 's something to make an emotional conformist smirk — some thumping disparity of age , looks , education , pretension — the couple have for this moment a lacquer finish : laughter 's bubbling spittle simply wipes off .
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