Example sentences of "have to be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Severe urgency was defined as an urgent need to defecate which has to be relieved in less than one minute to avoid incontinence .
2 The idea is that quarks come in three colors — red , green , and blue — ; but that any isolated bound state , such as a hadron , has to be colorless , either a combination of red , green , and blue like the proton , or a mixture of red and antired , green and antigreen , and blue and antiblue , like the pi meson .
3 The teacher 's conduct has to be obscene or criminal before sterner measures are employed .
4 A cess pool has to be airtight , and installed where it can be readily emptied by pumps and motor tankers from time to time .
5 There has to be dishonest intention and a deliberate course of conduct intended to create the impression with a view to inducing the acquisition , disposal or underwriting of , or the exercise of rights in relation to , investments .
6 No Steven has to be deaf with ears like that .
7 Security has to be total or useless . ’
8 He does not really expect her to love him , and when she does it has to be total .
9 Can now , can we actually move on a bit because , that has been very valuable what you said , but in fairness to Mr Maxwell it also has to be said does n't it that up until he stole these assets er this process of throwing organisations , peoples monies into a spin dryer and pulling them out of different sort of sequences was something he regularly did and we 've had witnesses to say how well he did manage the funds and how they grew , whether when they should sell stock and when they should n't sell stock and so on .
10 Each sock has to be four feet long , three feet for the leg and one for the foot .
11 Secondly , the past and current benefit to the employer must not merely be substantial or even valuable ; it has to be outstanding if compensation is to be awarded .
12 Everything has to be correct , ’ he commented .
13 ‘ In such cases the documentation has to be correct from the word go and if Mr Grainger puts it all down in writing his account will be used as the basis for our inquiries . ’
14 It has to be arbitrary .
15 We believe that the level is about right , although in a sense it always has to be arbitrary .
16 I feel the short story has to be cohesive ; in a novel , there 's more room , the tone can change .
17 To have blacks slaughtering blacks puts back even further the day when there has to be real change in that tortured country .
18 One has to be impressed .
19 That part of the package has to be right , but it 's impossible to separate it from the consultation that goes on between the customer and the supplier before the sale is clinched .
20 If the effect of use and disuse is to alter the nature of the proteins in the body , and if the replicable information passed on to future generations is carried by DNA , then Weismann has to be right if the central dogma is right .
21 In a situation where many short sectors are to be flown , with minimal turn-round times , not only does the crew co-ordination have to be well-drilled , but also the aeroplane has to be right for the job .
22 This is the story that has to be right .
23 With video the setting has to be thought about , the appearance of the characters has to be right and the plain fact of seeing as well as hearing means that it is much more difficult to establish credibility .
24 They have the talent to make an impact but the game has to be right and the circumstances have to be right to bring them in .
25 It has to be right .
26 But , as Foucault remarked ( 1977 p 15 ) , the exercise of power also has to be efficient not just financially but in terms of its social and political repercussions .
27 A topic has to be definite because of its function of setting the framework for interpreting the sentence as a whole .
28 The table has to be solid enough not to give way when the patient rests on it , and it should be big enough to hold all the things the patient needs when he is out of bed .
29 That has to be unlucky .
30 Embodying the alienation of the Westernized Latin-American intellectual , the protagonist of The Lost Steps , a musician resident in New York , recovers his lost identity as a man and as an artist when he undertakes an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco , a journey that takes him backwards in time to a prehistoric world ; but his eventual return to civilization implies a recognition on Carpentier 's part that , for a twentieth-century Latin American , going back to one 's roots has to be compatible with the realities of the modern world .
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