Example sentences of "have be many [noun pl] " in BNC.

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31 Over the past few years there have been many reports in the national press advocating that all dwellings should be fitted with smoke detectors .
32 Despite the fact that there have been many reports describing the central effects of neuropeptides on gastric and pancreatic secretion , there has been only one previous report of the effects of a centrally acting peptide on biliary secretion .
33 Few people find Anselm a serious contender for proving the existence of God , although there have been many philosophers who have rightly observed , as we have tried to do , that the logic of existence requires careful consideration .
34 To date , there have been many projects and ideas that have benefited from CIRE funding .
35 Since the introduction of the stored program concept , there have been many developments in the design of general-purpose digital computers , but only two can be described as vital omissions from the computer described in the previous section .
36 In the subsequent experience of the Church in exercising this ministry there have been many instances of failure , partial , delayed and temporary healing , reminding us that we live with the tension of the ‘ now ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Kingdom .
37 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
38 Dr Margaret O'Brien , a chartered psychologist at East London Polytechnic and author of The New Man , told the conference : ‘ Though there have been many changes in family life over the century , it is surprising to discover that children seem to have such a traditional view . ’
39 With its disappearance there have been many changes in the face of Croydon and changes are continuing .
40 The fact that women have decided to participate in the difficult but just struggle of El Salvador has meant that they have developed politically and ideologically and that there have been many changes in men 's attitudes , After the triumph , I believe these changes will become more apparent .
41 There certainly have been many changes in both attitudes to women 's sexuality and in women 's sexual practices over the last few decades .
42 Since the Second World War there have been many changes in official policies toward , and social assumptions concerning , the control and treatment of crime and offenders .
43 But there have been many changes , as Fordyce Maxwell overheard
44 There must be hundreds of females and males out there too frightened to speak out in case they lose their jobs , because let's not forget there have been many cases in which males have been harassed or are being ha harassed .
45 None the less , since antiquity there have been many efforts to describe features of the world , including the social , in quantitative terms , efforts which began to assume an even greater urgency and consequentiality with the rise of the modern nation state and its requirements for an accurate accounting of its resources .
46 There have been many claims that Mrs Thatcher has shifted the agenda of British politics .
47 There have been many meetings and there are many programmes under discussion .
48 There have been many times in history when Christianity has faced extreme difficulty .
49 There have been many times when I could n't write .
50 McGahern : ‘ There have been many times when I could n't write ’
51 Captain Pugwash is probably his best-known character but there have been many others : Harris Tweed , Lettice Leefe , Mary , Mungo and Midge , Sir Prancelot , and Cardinal Grotti in the Catholic Herald .
52 As examples of the achievements of these minds , I think of the Gandavyuha and the Sufis ' planes of reality but there have been many others whose level of vision is as extensive though in no sense more penetrating or more brilliant .
53 Already there have been many studies of the effect of unemployment on health ; do they give useful results ?
54 There have been many studies of selection by molluscs on cyanogenic and acyanogenic morphs of white clover under laboratory or other controlled conditions .
55 There have been many studies which identified a mid-career crisis in managers .
56 There have been many studies of modern communications institutions within one explicitly ( functional ) sociological perspective .
57 There have been many studies of the energetics of such chain defects both analytically and experimentally .
58 Over the years there have been many studies of the effects of smoking on gastric secretion .
59 And of course there have been many moments when English art was very important on the Continent indeed .
60 We have been aware for some years that the relational model and relational database systems have not been able to represent some real-world concepts and activities , and there have been many papers and conferences devoted to the study of extensions and refinements to the original model of Codd ( 1970 ) .
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